Amos 3:7 A Love of The Truth

The Vastly Overlooked Sidon Prophecy-Ezekiel 28 Unfolding in Lebanon?

Amos37 Ministries

We'll unravel the potential fulfillment of the Psalm 83 war, the judgment of Elam, and examine Iran's critical role in this volatile landscape. Gain unique insights into how these unfolding events align with ancient prophecies and what they might imply for Israel and the Middle East.

Today, we look at "The Vastly Overlooked Sidon Prophecy" with Bill Salus & Pastor Tom Hughes: Interview with Dr. Bill Salus about the vastly overlooked but presently pertinent Sidon prophecy in Ezekiel 28:20-26. The Hezbollah War Prophecies - (New Prophetic Revelations)

In the last days, mankind will dwell in a war-torn world! Conventional battles, nuclear exchanges, and supernatural demonic invasions are coming.

There is good news! God loves the people who surround Israel and Jerusalem. He will save a remnant from Iran (Persian and Elam), Egypt, and many other Middle Eastern nations!

How can I be Saved & What is the Gospel?

The FUTURE WAR Prophecies book and DVD locates the battlefields, identifies the participants, explains the motives, provides the details, and explores the outcomes of these coming world-changing conflicts which include:
• Israel vs. Iran and its proxies,
• The destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17,
• The final Arab-Israeli war of Psalm 83,
• The Russian coalition’s invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38,
• The two Christian-killing crusades of the Tribulation Period,
• The demonic invasion that torments unsaved people for 5 months,
• The 200-million demonic army that kills one-third of humankind,
• The war in heaven between Michael the archangel vs. Satan,
• The battle of Armageddon between Jesus Christ vs. Antichrist,
• The final Gog of Magog War at the end of the Millennium.

Bill Salus Website & Resources:

Video Credit: @ Hope for our Times

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Tom Hughes:

The Earth, the Earth, the Earth, the Earth. Thank you, hey. Welcome everybody. Thanks for joining us today and this is broadcast on all of our different platforms because we just think it's really necessary for everybody to be updated on what in the world is going on. We've been working on getting Naftali on here. You guys were able to watch that video the other day. That ended up being one we recorded a few weeks back, trying to get him back on to do live with us. But, as you guys know, things are really escalating over in Israel. So I have my good friend is joining us right now from the desert in Southern California, bill Salas, and we're going to start looking at some things. Welcome, bill, thanks for joining us, hey.

Tom Hughes:

Tom, thanks for having me, it's good, listen, it's good, listen, it's going to be a great program. I know you're a little bit under the weather, so I thank you for allowing me to talk you into coming on. Anyways, um, things are escalating there's. You know, in august there were 30 000 troops made up of uh houthis, ira, people from iraq and so forth gathering in Syria. As of this morning, 40,000 in Syria, that's, on the northern border of Israel. We're looking at that, bill. I want to take just a minute here because I want to let everybody know this too. So we were.

Tom Hughes:

I got an email it couldn't have been, at the most I'd say 25 minutes ago. It was from the Ministry of Tourism in Israel and they're saying you know, I feel really my heart just breaks and they're asking if we can still come to Israel, if groups will come. Israel's still open for tours and you can hear the difficulty that they're under the strain because people are going. Bill, we actually have four tours planned in 2025. One in March, one in June. My wife and I I don't think you know this, bill Jackie and I are supposed to be going there next week and we'll see. You'll be in Vegas with Billy Cronin and Brandon this weekend and then Jackie and I as of right now, our plane hasn't canceled we really want to get there and just be able to support our friends in Israel, and you know I mean they're being so isolated and anti-Semitism is everywhere. But I could. When I got this email from the ministry of tourism, literally just just before we came on, a Reddit Mark just breaks and I want to encourage you everybody, pray for Israel. As they said in the email, they're intent to keeping you safe.

Tom Hughes:

The fighting is in certain areas. You don't go there, but I just feel bad for them. I'm looking forward to going there next week, lord willing if our plane doesn't cancel. But so much to talk about, and this is live. I'm looking forward to going there next week, Lord willing if our plane doesn't cancel. But so much to talk about. This is live.

Tom Hughes:

So send in your questions. We'll be able to get them from that, from the website. We know we're live on X, we're live on YouTube, we're live on pretty much all over the place. So please send in your questions. So we want to answer them. Bill, again thank you for joining me. I've done enough talking myself already, but so much to go on, going on. My dad texted me last night, bill, and this is what he said. I'm thinking Bill Salus was right on the Psalm 83 war, and you know we don't want to get wrapped up in the emotion of a moment, but I mean, look at all this going on, it's, it's. I mean we live in amazing days and we know Israel's going to be victorious. We know Israel's going to be victorious, but at the same time, bill, what do you? What do you make of the escalation that we are watching from October 7th to where we are, even as of just the last couple of hours?

Bill Salus:

Well, I think a lot of these things that we're starting to see unfold were predicted, you know, through the prophets a couple thousand years ago, two, three thousand years ago, psalm 83, perhaps one of them, with Asaph three thousand years ago. We've gotten prophecies, with Jeremiah and Ezekiel dealing with Iran. Ezekiel 38 talks about Persia, and that's Ezekiel 38 prophecy Many of your viewers are familiar with. But there's also one in Jeremiah, chapter 49, written about 20 years before Ezekiel wrote on Elam. And when you look at a modern-day map of Iran, elam hugs the Persian Gulf. It's about a third of the size of modern-day Iran and its ancient territory, and Persia is the other two-thirds. So you know, we've got Irans we've written about and we've seen, of course, hezbollah. There's some Hezbollah prophecies. You and I talked about some of those in a prior show. So I think a lot of these things we're seeing unfold now. We were wondering when they would start to happen.

Tom Hughes:

And now they're starting to happen and the question is, are they going to actually start to lead to the fulfillment of prophecies or just more stage setting, tom? So I was in Wisconsin this past weekend, met a lot of wonderful people out there and one of the gentlemen I met his name was Don, and Don had asked me I wanted to hear your thoughts on Don Redinger. Thank you, don, for asking this. And his question was regarding the judgment of Elam as mentioned in Jeremiah, chapter 49. You've written extensively about this. We've done a video together where I asked you questions about that. We actually have a documentary that the two of us have done. I got to ask you questions, you got to give all the answers. It was just great. You questions, you get to give all the answers. It was just great.

Tom Hughes:

But in the mention in Jeremiah, elam would be basically destroyed and all of the people scattered until the return of Christ. But how do you? How do you? Yeah, there's, you can see the documentary that Bill and I did. Great everybody, just great opportunity to learn more. But how do you see this with Elam? Kind of put it in a nutshell where people can get their minds around it, because sometimes there's so many things in here, it can be overwhelming. What would be your summary of it?

Bill Salus:

Absolutely. Let's do the Reader's Digest version on that. We want to get to some of the questions from your viewers. The book that's sitting next to you, tom, the Future of World Prophecies, is my latest book and I actually get into this prophecy of Elam in Jeremiah, chapter 49, verses 34 through 39. And basically it's the six verses that are real easy to explain. Basically what happens is a time is going to come where the Lord is fiercely angry with Iran.

Bill Salus:

Now let's geographically isolate Elam from Persia. Elam hugs the Persian Gulf. It has always been geographically separated from Persia by the Zagros mountain range. That is separated into two territories. Now of course, it's all modern-day Iran today, but when Jeremiah wrote he distinctly wrote about Elam. He knew about Persia, as did Ezekiel knew about Elam, but they both had their own separate prophecies because they believe they're distinctly different prophecies and I actually think the Elam prophecy could be the one we should be watching for first of the two.

Bill Salus:

Now, elam right now is where the there's a Bashar nuclear reactor there. It's a dangerous place if there's a war or a major earthquake could happen in that area. It's very seismic there, but also it's where all the underground missile most. I won't say all of them, but the majority of iran's underground missile silos, portable rocket launchers, their hypersonic ballistic missiles, their underground air base is all in that territory. There's a highly strategic target to be hit because if you're going to go, try to take out the nuclear facilities which Israel will probably have to do here shortly, inside of Iran proper and Tehran and Natanz, et cetera in those areas, you got to go through the Elam territory to get there and that's where the defense shields are and things like that. So it's going to be a big issue then what the prophecy says at some point the Lord's going to be fiercely angry with Elam, or Iran in this case. But why? Because he's upset with the leaders. It says he will destroy from the kings and the princes. But why would you destroy kings and princes? Because they want to launch something lethal somewhere. So he says I'm going to break the bull of Elam at the foremost of their might. Because they want to launch something lethal, probably nuclear. At the foremost of their might. That would be nuclear, probably where we're not told where they want to launch it, but probably that would be israel. They want to wipe israel off of the map. It says.

Bill Salus:

When the it says as a result, the lord will create a disaster in this territory. So he's going to be angry at the leadership he's going to destroy from the kings and the princesses. He's going to break the bow that would be like their missile launching capabilities and that's where they mostly are, all hidden underground over there in the long territory create a massive disaster and the disasters of the magnitude that it creates humanitarian crisis, because we're told that he will bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven and scatter all the elamites, the indigenous population, into all those winds. That says there'll be no nations, pearl the cast of elam, don't go. Also, it talks about the. He will consume them with the sword, which is a typology biblically of war, and it will consume them with this, with the sword, but the. The good news is and I think your question that the guy asked from wisconsin is well, what's the good news for the, the iranians in the situation?

Bill Salus:

It says in Jeremiah 49, verses 38, I will set my throne in Elam, which has many Iranians who are converting to Christianity excited about this passage. And it says in Jeremiah 49, verses 39, that I will restore the fortunes and the captives of Elam back to their territory. So what's going to happen is there's going to be a worldwide dispersion as a result of this disaster and those who survive the tribulation and that'll be hard to do, of course, but there will be an iranian remnant, like there'll be a jewish remnant and a syrian and egyptian remnant, the jordanian remnant there'll be an iranian remnant and says I will bring them back, I'll will restore their fortunes back to their territory. So they'd be like the sheep Gentiles of Matthew 25. If they survived through the tribulation, those who were dispersed worldwide, they'll be brought back into the land and they will be in Iran in the millennium, or at least in the Islam, I'll say.

Tom Hughes:

So we're okay. I have several questions that have come in. I'm going to get to in just a second. But you mentioned God says I'll set my throne there in Elam. So how do you interpret that, based on his throne being in Jerusalem and he says I'll set my throne there? Do you interpret that to mean that what he's saying is listen, these people are going to be turning to the Lord, god, jehovah, the Lord himself, during that time? Or how? I mean? Because it reads like as if there's two different thrones.

Bill Salus:

Yeah, well, it's the Hebrew word kise, k-i-s-s-e. It's the same one that you mentioned in Jeremiah, chapter 3, I think it is. It talks about my throne will be in Jerusalem in the millennium. So it's the same word. But it can mean a couple things. It can mean the throne Maybe. Perhaps it'll be like King Cyrus had a couple palaces. Maybe the Messiah will have another throne in that area. But it can also mean establish my authority in that area. So I'm not exactly sure how to interpret that. He may, I think, be fantastic if he had a couple of thrones in the millennium, but at the very least he's going to have his authority established there.

Bill Salus:

And those two verses, the first four verses, are just terribly bad news for the Iranians. The Lord's really angry with leadership and I think he's angry with the leadership today. This has not been historically full. The good news is and this has got a lot of Iranians who are converting from Islam to Christianity they're having dreams, miracles, healings the fastest growing evangelical population in the world. These two verses have them extremely excited because God's going to set his throne there and he's going to restore their fortunes and bring the captives back. I've been on Iran Alive television with Sharia and he's the Billy Graham of Iran and I've quoted this prophecy on satellite television to millions of Iranians and they're very excited about this prophecy, tom.

Tom Hughes:

I am excited about it. And then you know you mentioned the possibility of God has his main throne in Jerusalem but he has another one in Elam. I mean you start thinking of this in the millennial kingdom and things are coming. You introduced me and thank you so much for doing it to Dr Hermosheria several years ago and because of that I've had the opportunity to be there too and had him on here a couple of times and hoping to have him come out back out to a conference. But his insight on Iran and what the Lord is doing with salvation Folks when you hear about people coming to faith in Iran, god is using this man who said here I am with Iran, alive. It's just what a great brother and being able to know him. Thank you for introducing me to him. And, by the way, if you'd like to, you can get the things that Bill is talking about in the Hope for Our Times store. You can check it out from the documentary that we've done to these books. They're going to update you and really help you to understand and get the aha Okay, now it's making sense and the things that Bill talks about. He goes into more detail and explains them.

Tom Hughes:

Okay, this first question comes from Bobby Munt. Bobby, I remember meeting you, bobby, a couple of years ago down San Marcos, san Diego. It might've been last year. Question how do you see peace coming to Lebanon in fulfillment of Psalm 83? I'm gonna throw something else to it. How would you see peace coming to Lebanon and we know that peace also has to come to Israel before Ezekiel 38. How do you see that?

Bill Salus:

Well, escalation is going to lead to de-escalation. That's the thing talked about on all these news channels. Now you know that Israel's going to escalate, so they can de-escalate. The situation in the Middle East Lebanon is part of of hezbollah has some prophecies. I believe there are spall prophecies. They're lebanese prophecies and they're seemingly ready to find fulfillment at the present time, meaning they probably would be related to hezbollah. One of them is siden prophecy in ezekiel 28 we did this on a show recently, tom, you and I Verses 20 through 26.

Bill Salus:

Your viewers should take the time to read that Sidon is about. I think it's about 30, 40 miles north, maybe 50 miles north of Israel's border, so coastal city. It's about 20 miles north of Tyre, so Sidon's in the prophecy of Ezekiel 28. Tyre's in the prophecy of Psalm 83, called the prophecy of Ezekiel 28,. Tyre's in the prophecy of Psalm 83, called the inhabitants of Tyre, and that's their sister cities. They've been listed together in the Old Testament about 17 times together, so they go hand in hand. There's another prophecy in Obadiah, with Zarephath, which is a city between Tyre and Sidon. Zarephath is actually going to be possessed by the Jewish people in Obadiah 1, verse 19. As a matter of fact, I'll read this so did Bill.

Tom Hughes:

I can't hear Bill.

Bill Salus:

He froze oh Bill froze.

Tom Hughes:

Oh, there he goes. You froze for a minute. Bill, Can you start that again?

Bill Salus:

Okay, it says my internet. Can you hear me? Okay now. Yeah, you're on now. Yep, okay, weird, all right, so there's going to be.

Bill Salus:

To answer the viewer's question, there's going to be a war in Lebanon and it's going to involve the Sidon prophecy and Ezekiel 28. In Lebanon, and it's going to involve the Sidon prophecy in Ezekiel 28. It's going to involve the Psalm 23 prophecy and it's going to, in the process, israel's going to capture land and territory and part of the land and territory they're going to capture is in Lebanon. It's called Zarephath. So here's two key verses I want to read to the viewer.

Bill Salus:

Obadiah 1.18 says the house of Jacob shall be a fire. Read that as the Israeli defense forces, the house of Joseph will be a flame, also the Israeli defense forces. But the house of Esau shall be stubble and there'll be no survivor in the house of Esau. For the Lord has spoken. So he saw. He fathered the Edomites. The Edomites have ethical representation in the Palestinians, not how Palestinians are eating my descent, but a majority of them are. We can trace that and basically there's going to be a war. Who's going to win? I think it's all part of the Psalm 83, bigger war situation that precedes Ezekiel 38.

Bill Salus:

But here's the key verse. It says and the south shall possess the mountains of Esau, that would be southern Jordan, and the lowlands shall possess Phylicia, that is, with Hamas or in Gaza. They shall possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria. That takes you up to the West Bank. Benjamin shall possess Gilead Verse 20, and the captives of this host of children of Israel shall possess the land of the Canaanites as far as Zarephath. Zarephath is in Lebanon, about 30 miles north of Israel's border. So they're going to move in. They're going to take out Sidon. They're already talking about putting ground troops into Lebanon at this point. That would be devastating. This would really escalate everything real promptly and that could happen real soon.

Bill Salus:

But also they're going to win the war and they're going to take over land. They're going to take over most all of Jordan. They're going to take over most all of Jordan. They're going to take over five cities in Egypt, according to Isaiah in 1918. They're going to take over Zarephath as well. That's when you'll have peace in the Lebanon area, but you've still got the Ezekiel 38 war that's going to follow this. So you know, I don't know how much peace they're going to have per se, but ultimately Israel's going to expand incrementally territorially. Ultimately they'll get all the land they were promised in Genesis 15, 18, from the river of Egypt to probably the Nile, to the river Euphrates, which courses through Syria and Iraq. They're going to get all that in the millennium.

Tom Hughes:

But they're going to get some incrementally beforehand. I look at this and think in my mind, with all the hatred that is directed toward Israel I mean, I'm watching the Western media where, you know, it doesn't seem like the media, the US government, the UK, canada, you're just not finding favor going towards Israel. How could Israel expand its borders without the world just absolutely coming against them? I mean, just the other day the UN votes to make Jerusalem Jew-free, so they expand their borders At the same time. How can Israel not, if they're going to keep themselves safe by pushing back? You have the DMZ line, I've seen it, you know, when you stand up there, mount Bentel, and the Golan Heights. You know, when you stand up there, mount Bentel, on the Golan Heights, well, they had that, but obviously Hezbollah has invaded the Israel space.

Tom Hughes:

I mean, look at this. How will Israel be able to expand its borders? We know Israel will. We know that has to happen because God promised Israel a lot more land than they've ever possessed, way more than they have right now. So we know it's going to happen. But in my mind it's hard to see, with all of the world pressure against Israel, israel's going to say, okay, our borders are bigger now and we push back the enemy. I mean it's like we have not just Hamas supporters, we have Hezbollah supporters who say Israel committed an evil terrorist attack when they used the pagers to target terrorists. It's amazing to watch the media.

Bill Salus:

Well, you make a good point, tom. They will meet with resistance, but they will actually take the territory. They've got a history of doing this. Joshua did it 3,300 years ago, king David and King Solomon did it 3,000 years ago. Israel did it in 1967. They nearly tripled their size. Of course, they shrunk some of it by forfeiting the Gaza and the Sinai issues, the Sinai territory.

Bill Salus:

But they will meet with resistance because there's a lot of Muslim countries that don't want Israel to one. They'll be upset when they win the war and take out the Arabs around them, but they also don't want Israel to expand territorially and they don't want Israel to build their temple and take over the Temple Mount. They'll have a resistance there. As a matter of fact, we realize that will continue to happen even after Ezekiel 38, because and those countries in Psalm 33 that I'm kind of referring to in the first war, those countries in Ezekiel 38, are predominantly all Muslim, apart from Russia. So you can have 600 to 800,000 or so core Muslims that are killed, imprisoned or exiled in these two massive wars.

Bill Salus:

But even still, islam will exist and the international community will still have concerns about the Temple Mount and the Jews building their temple, to the point where, ultimately, they have to sign a covenant to build their temple that allows the Gentiles to travel to Jerusalem for three and a half years and have access to the outer court. So there's always going to be this friction because Israel will say that's our temple now, that's our land, we're going to take it, part of the promised land, the temple now we're going to build our temple, and we know they will, according to prophecy. But they're always going to find resistance to the point where they ultimately have to negotiate with the Gentiles to even build their temple.

Tom Hughes:

It's just fascinating to watch everything develop. Diane Ellman says isn't the IDF becoming the mighty army that the Bible says?

Bill Salus:

You know this? To me that was was that Diane? You said yes.

Bill Salus:

Hey, diane, you hit a nerve with me right there when you said that I'm going to read Ezekiel 37. You know, the dry bones vision of Ezekiel 37 is where we find out that Israel today, the emergence of an extremely great army, was predicted 2,500, 2,600 years ago by Ezekiel. Here's what it says when the Jews are out in the diaspora, scattered in the nations of the world, ezekiel was transported, in my estimation in time, 2,500 years ago into the Holocaust situation. He sees this valley of dry bones, very dry bones, vast valley, lots of dry bones. And God has him prophesy and the bones start to stand up and the sinews come upon them and the skin and flesh come upon them. Then he says this in Ezekiel 37, 10 through 12. I prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet. An exceedingly great army. And he says this, and it says the son of man, these ones are the whole house of israel. They need say our bones are dry, our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off, and that's the condition they found themselves in the holocaust. You know, we didn't know how long the whole the, the diaspora, would last. Uh, we weren't really given a specific time. It was 1878 years from 70 AD to 1948 AD. But we found out the metric of time was summed up in their condition that they found themselves in when they were in the Holocaust. So we find that in Ezekiel 37, 11. Verse 12 says Therefore prophesied to them, says the Lord God, behold all my people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves and bring you into the land of Israel. So the scenario is he's going to bring them out of the Holocaust into the land of Israel. They're going to meet all this resistance with the wars with the Arabs. They're going to see it massively right now and in the process they're going to become an exceedingly great army. So it's exciting for us who are following prophecy to realize when you see pages blow up that were planned for like two years in the making to put this together, all those pages going off at once, when you see Mishma al-Haniyya blown up in a room in Iran, the leader of Hamas. When you see Iron Dome taking out missiles coming over the skies, david's sling, et cetera, walkie-talkies you name it taking out the top leaders Recently, the charts you see on the news now, they show that 16 of the 19 Hezbollah's top terrorists have been taken out. Now, this is not going to dismantle Hezbollah, by no stretch of the imagination. But you're seeing a prophecy in Ezekiel 3710 find fulfillment.

Bill Salus:

And Tom and I, in this documentary we put together, we get into the Israeli Defense Forces in the pre-Tribulation Wars, because they're not fighting in the Tribulation, they're not fighting in the Millennium, and I can explain why, time permitting, we're going to see them in a war with Syria. They're going to destroy Damascus in Isaiah 17. They're going to deal with Hezbollah and the Sidon prophecy in Ezekiel 28 and Psalm 83. The Palestinians we, the Sidon prophecy in Ezekiel 28 and Psalm 83, the Palestinians we just read about in Obadiah, there's also in Ezekiel 25. There's a whole list here. I won't go through them, but you got Hamas, jordan, egypt, saudi Arabia and all the hostile neighbors are part of Psalm 83. So to me, diane, let's get people watching that fact. The Israeli defense forces are not an accident in history. They are emerging as an extremely good army in fulfillment of a 2,500-year-old prophecy.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, I find it absolutely fascinating. Just looking at the pagers and the walkie-talkies alone. I mean, they just took everything to another level and I watched the hatred against Israel over that. And here's why they hate them because the Jews thought of this. They were outsmarted. Nobody else thought it. Did anybody else see this coming? No, they didn't think of it and they thought that you know. And they hate them because they're Israel. They hate them because they're Jews also, and so they're so troubled that they were outgunned and outsmarted. And also, bill, I look at this, this is the most humane war act I've ever, probably in the history of the whole world, and that's not an exaggeration. I mean, you look at wars, they you know civilian casualty is often enormous in any war, not this time. It's just remarkable to see what Israel has done and an exceedingly great army. And if they're here now, where are they going to be in five more years? Because God is with them and that's offensive to people. But this is what the Bible teaches.

Bill Salus:

Well, they're going to win the wars so that they can dwell securely. Ezekiel 28, verses 24 through 26. I think I'm just going to read it because it's really fascinating. I think it's important that we understand this because I think this is what we should be watching for. This is the side and prophecy versus 20 through 23. I'll let the viewers read that or watch our show we did about a month ago. Where they can find it. I've got one on my YouTube channel. Just search Bill Salas. I say all you guys should find my show on the side and prophecies.

Bill Salus:

But basically, god said that there's evil neighbors around them. I'm going to read you three verses real quickly. Verse 24, there shall no longer be a pricking briar or a painful thorn for the house of Israel from among those all around them who despise them. Then they shall know that I'm the Lord. God Says the Lord.

Bill Salus:

Verse 25, when I've gathered the house of Israel from all the peoples around among whom they are scattered, and I'm held in them in the sight of the Gentiles, and they will do on their own land. So I gave to my servant Jacob and they will dwell safely there and they'll build houses and plant vineyards, just as it will dwell securely. But when I execute judgments upon all those around them who despise them, they shall know in the Lord. So, upon all those around them who despise them, and they shall know the Lord. So judgments have to be executed upon those around Israel that despise them. Those judgments are going to be dealt through by the Lord through the hand of the Israeli defense forces. They're going to defeat them soundly, become an exceedingly great army.

Bill Salus:

God's plan for Israel was that they were going to be well safely, we're told. There they're going to build houses, there'll be home building, there'll be vineyard planting, there'll be a robust nation. But they can't do that right now because of the problems around the pricking briar and the painful thorn that's got to be taken out of the way and it's going to be taken out of the way, and that's just another one of these problems we're watching for right here, tom Tom.

Tom Hughes:

Wow, that's so insightful to hear this, you know, I mean I can't. I mean, how many years have? I think I met you back in 2008. And how many years have you been talking about these things and warning the warning people and just seeing things come together and again, maybe this isn't it, but I'm looking, bill, going it is. It is fascinating the scriptures that you're bringing out. I mean it's hard to. I mean, how do you say, well, the Bible says this, but it doesn't really mean that, especially when the passage you're just reading where how Israel is going to be blessed, and this isn't just necessarily in the millennial kingdom, but talking about even things coming up quickly after this coming up quickly after this?

Bill Salus:

Yeah, because you know the Israeli Defense Forces, in fulfillment of biblical prophecy, are fighting before the Tribulation and that's why our documentary is really important for your viewers to get their hands on. But we go through all these passages that we just talked about and more, many, many more, very well done with graphics and slides and images etc. But they're not fighting in the Tribulation because in the first half of the tribulation they're living at peace. Because of the confirmation of the false covenant. They don't feel that they feel like they're at peace Now. It's a pseudo-peace because it gets violated.

Bill Salus:

It's been part of the tribulation when the Antichrist was in the temple and does the abomination of desolation and desecrates the temple. And then Jesus says to the Jewish people in Matthew 24, flee immediately. When you see that happen, spoken by Daniel, the prophet. On the Antichrist, there's the abomination, spoken by Daniel in the holy place Flee immediately. So the Jews are going to be fleeing, not fighting. And in the millennium the swords are going to be. The swords are going to be turned into plowshares and the spheres into pruning hooks and they will not learn war anymore, it says in Micah. So basically, at this point, the only time they would be fighting is for their lives and existence. Right now, and we're watching it manifest and the Excelling Great Army is emerging before our very eyes, tom.

Tom Hughes:

Amen. By the way, everybody, the documentary that Bill is referring to, it's available on DVD. It's also available on digital download where you can literally watch it right when we're done here, and you can visit the Hope for Our Times store online store and you can get those things there. So I had a question just a minute ago about the. There it is, dennis DeWanke. Is the US still supporting Israel? I mean, I'm watching, man, you know we don't even have to get into Kamala Harris, but what do you see right now? I mean I'm watching the news this morning. There's troops going over there. However, bill, I have this article here. I got to find it here. I'll find it while you're talking. But is the US still supporting Israel?

Bill Salus:

Well, that's a tough question, Tom. I mean it's kind of bittersweet. We're not really, in my estimation, supporting them full throttle like we should be. Genesis 12, god's foreign policy was initiated or issued 4,000 years ago in Genesis 12. I'll bless those who bless you, abraham through his descendants, the Jewish people. I'll curse those who curse you. So America's so far fallen right now, taking you know, saying goodbye to God over the 60 years. Now, really, our last hope is to bless Israel.

Bill Salus:

In my estimation and I think that's another thing we're watching for, and I think the people in the Middle East are watching closely is is America's support for Israel and how that support will either wane worse, like it's doing now, or get better, like if Donald Trump wins the presidency. Donald Trump would probably be very pro-Israel. He did more for Israel than any other presidents in history. He recognized Jerusalem as the capital, he recognized Golan Heights as their territory, et cetera. He got out of the Iran nuclear deal, that bogus deal. So I mean and I think that's coming into play here as Israel's making their moves In other words, what if he doesn't win and we get more of Joe Biden, or even worse, with Kamala Harris? You know she's no real friend of Israel's. From what I've seen in her history, you know she's no real friend of Israel's.

Tom Hughes:

From what I've seen in her history, I think Kamala Harris will be the worst thing that could happen to Israel, along with abortion and many other things here in America. But this is the Jerusalem Post. Pentagon says it has no involvement in Israel's operations. The Pentagon clarified it's not supporting Israel's operations in Lebanon, focusing only on protecting US forces and assisting Israel if needed. You know you're looking at this going and then you think Kamala Harris as the possibility of coming in Boy. I'm looking at this going. Yikes, let me go here.

Tom Hughes:

I have several questions that have come in. One of them is from Leonard and I have one from Larry Hart about the 10 Kings. I've got to get to, but let me go here first. Leonard says is Isaiah 17 past or future? There's different views on this. Settle this please, bill. You and I have the same opinion on Isaiah chapter 17. I did a program with James Cadice the other day where we talked about the same thing as Isaiah chapter 17. We are on the same page, but we know some people are. They feel it's not a future event. Bill, your thoughts on this? I know you and I are the same on this. Your thoughts, isaiah 17, by the way, is the passage that talks about the destruction of Damascus. So a good question, leonard, your thoughts? Isaiah 17. By the way, it's the passage that talks about the destruction of Damascus. So good question, leonard, your thoughts Bill.

Bill Salus:

Yeah, basically, just for those not familiar with the prophecy, isaiah 17.1 says Damascus will be destroyed. The burden against Damascus. Behold, damascus will be a ruinous heap, it will be reduced to rubble. Verse 17.9 says the desolation is caused by the children of Israel. So it's the Israeli defense forces, and they didn't exist in the past on the level they are now to fulfill this prophecy. That's one argument. I've got more. I'll give you Verse 14,.

Bill Salus:

Isaiah 17, that concludes, says when you see him speaking of Damascus and Damascus, but in the morning he is no more, he's gone. O Speaking of Damascus and the masculine pronoun, but in the morning he is no more, he's gone. Overnight he's gone. And this is a portion of those that rob us and those who plunder us. That would be self-defense, israel acting in self-defense. Here's a few people who believe Isaiah 17 is future Joe Rosenberg, dr Ronald Fruchtenbaum, hal Lindsey, vernon McGee, dr Chuck Missler, jack Hibbs, amirari, tom hughes I guess you're there, tom hughes listed you there thomas ice, jan markel, dr david reagan, brandon holthaus, and the list goes on.

Bill Salus:

Uh, some people say that the assyrians did the conquered damascus in 732 bc. Mark hitchcock and andy wood would be advocates of that. Uh, I I say basically, we're told it's the children of Israel in Isaiah 17.9. Also, in Isaiah 66 books he mentions Assyria 37 times, but not once in Isaiah 17. The Assyrians actually used Damascus historically as a provincial capital. So why would they destroy it and still rebuild it to use as a provincial capital? We're told from history that Damascus actually held out and was reduced by famine, not destroyed overnight, and the Assyrians didn't have the ability to destroy Damascus overnight anyways, back in their time in 732 BC. Also, if it was destroyed in 732 BC, it would have to be rebuilt again to fulfill Jeremiah 49-23-27, where Jeremiah talks about the additional camera angle on the destruction of Damascus in Jeremiah chapter 49. So you should read those passages and I just I don't see any way this was fulfilled historically.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, I believe it's coming. I believe we could suddenly hear about it because all of a sudden it's gone. But especially as things are escalating, boy, we live in exciting times. Bill, if people want more information on any of these, you can get them the documentary plus Bill's books, the future war prophecies that you see here, and future war prophecies DVD also is available to. Amongst the Psalm 83. Ok, so let's go here.

Tom Hughes:

Larry Hart, jesus says that in the end there will be a world government with 10 kings formed. He will put it into men's hearts to do so. Do we want to interfere with the formation of that government? I will summarize that by this. Then you say what you want.

Tom Hughes:

When we look at the different prophecies, I mean I don't see where we're going to be interfering with the formation of the 10 Kings government. We can't. I mean God's sovereign, he's going to put it in 10 Kings hearts to do what he says. But what we do is warn people. I mean that's not interfering. So I don't know if that's what you're directing this to, larry, I can only guess. But I mean we warn people all the time. Hey, we can see the intention of these people out there wanting to build this globalist system, and we can see it with what they're talking about now, with technology, the UN and the World Health Organization now having this global pact. If we have a Kamala Harris regime that comes in, basically I'm looking at the sovereignty of the US will be surrendered to the World Health Organization and the UN.

Tom Hughes:

So I look, it's not that I don't know anybody who can interfere with it, but to warn people about what's coming, which is what we do all the time. We warn people, hey, this is coming. But at the same time we say but God is sovereign, he's put it in the hearts of the 10 kings. So we have to understand God is sovereign, he's in control. So he warns us. But all the signs point to the great news. So we got to remember. The signs are bad news in and of themselves, but they point to the great news. Jesus is coming, as that's. What signs do? They say, hey, this is what lies ahead. Here's the sign. That's bad, but it's pointing to what's great. So we warn of all these different things happening. These are signs, but we know ultimately it points to Jesus is coming back, he's going to rule and reign from Jerusalem and it is going to be great. So we just warn people and say hey, the Bible talks about these things.

Bill Salus:

So we just warn people and say, hey, the Bible talks about these things, yeah, so interfering with the ten kings really from the church age to me seems kind of impossible. Because when you look at their main proof texts about where they are showing up and you look to Revelation, chapter 17, the thing with ecumenical Babylon, the harlot world religion, that first three and a half years of the tribulation period until in 1712, the ten horns, which you saw would be the ten kings who reigned, have received no kingdom as yet but will receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast they're of one mind and they'll give the power and authority to the beast. In other words, they're not even going to be around noticeably. They may exist today but they're not going to be noticeably given any authority until the Antichrist gives them that authority in the Tribulation periods, namely at the mid part of the Tribulation.

Bill Salus:

Because their role, one of the roles they do, we're told in Revelation 17, 16, says that the ten horns that you saw on the beast, the Antichrist, the ten kings on the Antichrist, will hate the harlot, the world religion. They'll make her desolate and naked and eat her flesh and burn her with fire, for God has put it on their hearts to fulfill his purpose, to be of one mind and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are fulfilled. So they may be on the scene, but we cannot really identify them at this point in time. Necessarily, in the church age, churches will be raptured, I believe, before the tribulation they time. Necessarily in the church age, churches are going to be raptured, I believe, before the tribulation. They're going to come on the scene in the tribulation, get their power and authority with the beast in one hour, and so I don't see how we can really be involved other than, like you said, tom, to alert people that they're coming, to prepare those who get left behind, to be on the lookout for what's coming.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, indeed, absolutely. Let me ask you another question too, because this is right up your alley, bill. I love this question, felix Unger, and it just fits with some of the conversations you and I have had on the record and off the record. And he asks could the UN vote to purge the Jews from Jerusalem be a satanic false flag, possibly pushing Israel toward the coming world leader, who had promised not to allow a Jewish purge? So, in a nutshell, felix is saying could the UN vote push Israel to saying we want someone to protect us, even from being pushed out of Jerusalem, which goes back to what you said in the beginning with, as you're quoting scripture, with the Gentiles trampling Jerusalem.

Bill Salus:

Well, the UN, the United Nations, another economic, I mean they basically have they vote all the time against Israel. If they could, they'd push them into the sea. You know, from the river to the sea, palestine will be free Now. By the way, the new saying I can say this tongue-in-cheek is from the liver to the knee because of what happened with those pagers. That was a joke that was circulating around. I'm sorry that was out of taste, but basically, the UN, to me they wouldn't be able to do that.

Bill Salus:

Now they are trying to get Israel to get out of the West Bank. They call it the occupied territories. They do want to push all the Jews out of there. So, yes, it would be on their agenda to try to probably do stuff like that, but I don't see them. I see them morphing away or burgeoning into the world order. The United Nations is going to have to do something more to become more credible than it is these days. It has to be a world unified body. I think we'd be looking more closely at the World Economic Forum for the world order than the United Nations.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, I don't even know if I would put much stock in the World Economic Forum either know if I put much stock in the World Economic Forum either. But when I look at what's happening with the UN right now and this coming global pact, it kind of gives the UN more authority than they've had before. If it gets pulled off, of course, it's coupled with the World Health Organization. It's disturbing. It's tied into digital ID and so forth. But it is the United, nothing but the US is primarily the funder of the UN too, which is terrible. I think the UN is just disgusting. That's what I think. I mean. Look at this. The UN had their UNRWA employees that were Hamas terrorists and now they're saying we should have immunity from that. Well, it's just. It's just the UN's awful, Okay.

Tom Hughes:

Brad Myers asks this question Do you believe the war in Zechariah, chapter 12, verses 2 through 9, is the same war in Zechariah chapter 14, verses one through three, and Revelation 19, verses 15 through 23, that takes place at Armageddon? Do you believe Zechariah wars are the same as Revelation 19, armageddon?

Bill Salus:

Brad Myers. He's my researcher.

Tom Hughes:

I wonder why I recognize his name.

Bill Salus:

I knew this would not be an easy question, brad. That's funny. First of all, I think they're two separate wars, which is not commonly taught. Everyone teaches it's. I'm going to get Zechariah 12. Basically what it says here in Zechariah 12, behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling dizziness and some translations are drunkenness unto all the people round about. And when they lay siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem, the Hebrew word, the different translations all say the same thing. The New King James says surrounding peoples. The ASV says peoples round about Surrounding nations, nete-t, surrounding peoples, n-i-v. Every translation is going to tell you we're not dealing with the nations of the world at large, we're dealing with the surrounding peoples.

Bill Salus:

And what happens is they're going to lay siege in a final attempt. I believe this will be the concluding part of Psalm 83. Their one last final attempt to lay siege on Judah and Jerusalem. We're told in Zechariah 12, 6 that what happens? We can find that verse here real quick. Let me. I'm trying to get into a program here. Okay, here we go. It's going to be an unsuccessful siege. Let's start with that. So one line of delineation is Zechariah 14 as a successful siege by all the nations. This is an unsuccessful siege by only the nations round about the inner circle of countries that share common borders with Israel, the neighbors. And what's going to happen is they're going to make a final siege. It's going to be a bad choice for them. What's going to happen is it's going to say in Zechariah 12, verse 6, in that day when they lay siege on Judah and Jerusalem, I will make the governors or the captains of Judah read that, as the Israeli defense forces Judah, they'll be like a fire pen in the woodpile and like a fiery torch in the sheaves. They shall devour all the surrounding peoples on the right hand and on the left hand, the peoples round about, but Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place. So the people on the right hand and on the left are the same people we talked about, the pricking briar, the painful thorn, in Ezekiel 28, verses 24 through 26. The judgment's executed upon them. The Israeli defense forces will do that. Now are there reasons why this is not part of the same prophecy?

Bill Salus:

When you look at Zechariah, chapter 14, primarily that's one of the main proof tests by these guys say Armageddon is talked about in Zechariah 12 and 14. So Zechariah 14 says behold, the day of the Lord is coming and your spoil will be divided in your midst, for I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem and the city shall be taken. The house is rifled and the women ravished. Half the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city and the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, against the battle. So the mid part of the tribulation, antichrist comes into Jerusalem. It's the first part of the Armageddon campaign. They take over the city, they ravish the houses, they rifle the houses, they ravage the women and they take over the city. It's a very successful siege. All the nations of the world, and at that point the Jews are fleeing for their lives. Most of them will flee. The remnant will flee to southern Jordan and the Petra area.

Bill Salus:

Now if we look back at Zechariah 12.6, it says the house of Judah will be like a fire and a flame, the governors of Judah. They're going to devour the people on the right hand and the left. So in other words, you have to say this is Armageddon, and Zechariah 12 too, and they seize on Judah and Jerusalem. That means the Israeli defense forces are going to fight off all the armies of the world Because it says the Lord's bringing all the armies as part of the Armageddon situation and we just don't find that. We find in Isaiah 63 and Revelation 19 that the lord does this single-handedly. He doesn't need the israeli defense forces to help them. Matter of fact, they're fleeing, they're not even fighting at that point in time.

Bill Salus:

So here's the main differences between zechariah 12 and zechariah 14. It's an unsuccessful siege in zechariah 12 by the people around about. It's a very successful season. Zechariah 14. As one of the surrounding nations in zechariah 12, whereas it's all nations in Zechariah 14. It's a pre-tribulation prophecy because the Israeli defense forces we talked about earlier are fighting in the pre-tribulation in fulfillment of multiple biblical prophecies, whereas the Armageddon campaign is a tribulation prophecy. Zechariah 14 the peoples around Nevada are gathering themselves for a siege against Jews in Jerusalem, but the Lord is gathering the Zechariah 14 armies of the world gathered by God.

Bill Salus:

Zechariah 12 3 talks about a Jerusalem becoming a burdensome stone during the final siege of those peoples around about and says all the nations that try to move. It will fall upon them like heavy stone and break them, cut them to pieces, and some people will say well, that's all nations. You know that's going to be all the nations. But basically Jerusalem's been a burdensome stone to everybody since the inception. In 1948, it became an international zone. It wasn't even allowed to be a city In 1949, the war 1948. 1949 they divided jerusalem with the armistice agreement, so they're meddling there. In 1967 they uh israel took back all of jerusalem but they gave the temple mount to uh the jordan. The walk society control that uh the, the presidents of america been trying to meddle with is Israel on two-state solutions and things like that. And it's all become a burdensome stone to all the nations. So there's a heavy stone impediment in Zechariah 12, but there's no stone impediment in Zechariah 14. They just move in.

Bill Salus:

Jerusalem's not a burdensome stone. They mow it over, they take it over, they ravage the houses, they rifle the women. The stones they're the stones, the defeated by God and the IDF, let me say by the IDF. Actually, god intervenes in Zechariah 12, verses 4 and 5. He, he really the whole study on this and it's in the future war prophecies book. So God does intervene, but the Israeli defense forces are empowered and they win that war. But in Zechariah 14 only God defeats them, not the Israeli defense forces win that war, but in Zechariah 14, only God defeats them, not the Israeli Defense Forces. Zechariah 12, there's no captives taken. In Zechariah 14, there's half of the city's taken captive. In Zechariah 12, the inhabitants of Jerusalem are very strong. In Zechariah 14, they're very weak. They can't even protect their women and their houses.

Tom Hughes:

That's a lot. That is great comparison. All that's available in this book the Future of War Prophecies. That is so cool because you can just compare.

Tom Hughes:

People have these questions with the truth. Seriously, that's how we do it. People say I want to get involved. What can I do? Well, that's one thing you like, subscribe and share. Just share the video, get the truth out there.

Tom Hughes:

People need to wake up and as we look at all these different dynamics that are taking place, I will say this Hold on just one second. Here we got a oh, wow, okay. So Florida the massive hurricanes hitting Florida right now and I've been asked for a prayer request. So we're gonna pray for Alex Newman he's down in Florida and for his family and just different people down there right now. Bill, let me pray real quick before we get to the end and for his family and just different people down there right now. Bill, let me pray real quick before before we get to the end.

Tom Hughes:

Lord, we thank you for the opportunity today, right now. But we lift up Alex, we lift up his family to you, alex Newman and his family. We lift up the people of Florida to you that are being affected by this hurricane. May you be glorified. We commit this, them, into your hands, and we thank you in the name of Jesus. I also pray that you will heal Bill too. We thank you in Jesus' name, amen. I have several more questions, bill. We're going to have to get to them later because we've already gone a little bit over Gail. Sorry not going to be able to get to your question right now, but we'll save it. Regarding if Psalm 83 is in play right now, where do you see Saudi Arabia? Could you do a one-minute answer to that question, bill?

Bill Salus:

I'm going to talk really fast, which I've known to do, but Psalm 83 is in play, it's stage setting. At this point I think it's going to be incrementally starting to happen and the final season will be laid on judah and jerusalem and zechariah 12 2. Uh, saudi arabia is the subject of four different prophecies. I get into them in the future war prophecies book. Initially they come against israel. They will not normalize relations, relationships with israel. They're part of Psalm 83. They support the Palestinians, but they will ultimately normalize relationships with Israel. In Ezekiel 38, verse 13, where they're on the sideline protesting Russia's invasion of Ezekiel, 38 invaders, and along there was Sheba, dedan, the merchants of Tarshish and their young lions. Well, sheba and Dedan, sheba would be Yemen and Dedan would be Saudi Arabia. So they do ultimately normalize relationships with Israel. But it's actually learned the lesson the hard way.

Tom Hughes:

That was a great summary. That was a great summary. All of these things are available in Bill's books, his DVDs and the documentary that we did. You can check them out at the Hope for a Time store. Bill, thank you, I know you're not feeling well. Thank you for letting me talk you into doing this program with me today and, by the way, I will be live on. You Can't Make this Up tomorrow. Everybody, I'm looking forward to having an interesting time there with you. I'll even take your questions live tomorrow, for you Can't Make this Up. But again, bill, thank you so much for taking your time with me today. I know you're not feeling well, but praise God, we are moving forward. Remember, the Lord is on the throne and I appreciate your prayers. As I mentioned, my wife and I are supposed to go to Israel, be in Jerusalem next week. Lord willing, we will be there, but looking forward to keeping you updated as we continue through the rest of this week. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Thank you everybody for joining us. God bless the Thank you.

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