Amos 3:7 A Love of The Truth

Exposing the Great Reset: Spiritual Forces and Political Agendas Shaping America

Amos37 Ministries

Could the actions of current political leaders be part of a grander scheme to reshape our world? This episode of Tip of the Spear brings you a riveting conversation with Pastor Billy Crone, senior pastor of Sunrise Bible Church in Las Vegas and leader of Get a Life Ministries. 

Pastor Crone provides his perspective on how figures like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might be executing Klaus Schwab's Great Reset agenda. We'll unpack the prophetic significance of these moves, especially concerning the formation of a North American Union and its ties to biblical prophecies found in Revelation 17.

The parallels between modern political maneuvers and historical atrocities are nothing short of startling. Pastor Crone and Pastor Brandon draw connections between today's policies, like the Green New Deal, and the rise of totalitarian regimes such as Hitler's. 

We analyze the manipulation of public opinion by influential organizations like the World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, and the potential repercussions for America's future. You'll be astonished by the similarities between historical events and current global crises, illustrating the need for heightened vigilance and awareness of these repeating patterns.

Prepare to uncover the darker spiritual forces at play in global politics. We'll delve into the Luciferian influences behind key figures and entities, from Hitler to Klaus Schwab, and discuss their connections to witchcraft and the occult. Pastor Crone shares alarming insights into the spiritual battle facing America, urging a revival of faith to counteract these dark forces. 

This episode provides a clarion call for believers to stand strong as beacons of light in a world overshadowed by darkness. Join us as we expose the hidden agendas and offer hope through the promise of salvation and the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome to Tip of the Spirit this week. As always, we're looking at things from not only a biblical perspective but also a prophetic perspective. So thanks for joining us and, as always, we try to bring in the best speakers that we can interview, that have their finger on the pulse of what's going on in the culture and around the world, and prophetically. And I am excited about today's program because I have been trying to get Pastor Billy Crone scheduled for an interview and I finally got him. He's a very busy man. He's a good friend of mine, but if you don't know Pastor Billy Crone, he's the senior pastor of Sunrise Bible Church in Las Vegas, nevada.

Speaker 1:

He's an author conference speaker. I've spoken at other conferences with him. He's a good friend. He's one of the best speakers out there. He engages audiences both nationally and internationally. People love him. He's also the lead of Get a Life Ministries, which is a digital platform on the internet, with his website focused on sharing the gospel, encouraging believers to remain vigilant, waiting for Christ's return, and so we are excited to have him. So we're going to bring him on right now. Pastor Billy, thank you so much for joining us on Tip of the Spear brother.

Speaker 2:

Hey, pastor Brandon, thanks for having me on. It's great to finally get here. And wow, I tell you what with the intro like that, next time you're in Vegas I'll have to take you out to eat. Now you put the pressure on. That's right.

Speaker 1:

And we have to go eat steak. That's right. Well, you know we're going to be together next week at my conference. So the geopolitical ramifications and you're going to be speaking there. Can you briefly tell people what you're going to be talking about?

Speaker 2:

as a kind of a summary. Briefly, that word is the nightmare for pastors. You know that. You know the routine. No, seriously, basically, it's a piece from our latest study called Klaus Schwab, joe Biden and the Planned Destruction of America, and that includes Harris. Both of them are hirelings for Klaus Schwab, and I'm going to bring that out. But also the prophetic significance is, amongst many other things that they're doing, they're purposely as hirelings of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. They're purposely destroying America and if Harris gets in, if they let her in, whatever we're done.

Speaker 2:

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's the reality, because the plan is that America has to go in order for them to do the great reset. The great reset is the economic reset. So they got to get rid of the current system. Who's the current system? Us, the dollar, and so we got to go. So that's why they were brought in and Harris would just finish the job.

Speaker 2:

But more than that, what I'm specifically honing in on is another prophecy that's not really talked about much but should be, because it's right up their alley. Believe it or not, I got it on tape that Biden and Harris here's why they don't want to fix the border. They have no plans of fixing the border and they want a borderless community with Mexico and Canada, because the plan is they are going to create what's called the North American Union and America. As we know, it will no longer exist, and the prophetic significance of that is that's exactly what Revelation 17 says. That is gonna happen to the planet 10 kingdoms by 10 rulers, and then, when that gets established, they're gonna hand their power over to the Antichrist. That's the message that I'm gonna be bringing.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I'm excited to hear that. I can't wait to hear that. And look, guys, if you haven't signed up, go to tipofthespairministrycom and sign up today. If you can't go in person, we'd love to have you in person if you can, but we're gonna have this live streamed. You can watch it live and then you can download this and you can watch this for 9.99 and you're gonna see Pastor Billy speak and Tom Hughes and a lot of other guys, Bill Koenig and I've got a whole list of speakers that are going to really bring some insight on what's happening right now in the world. So we're looking forward to that. Billy, I'm also looking forward to the Three Amigos conference over there at your place at the end of September. So why don't you give a plug for that for our audience?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if people can go to getalifemediacom, our teaching website, and look for the banner the Three Amigos Conference and trust me, when you see it, you can't miss it, as with the graphic there, but it'll be myself and you, pastor Brandon and Pastor Tom, the Three Amigos. And right before the election, we're really excited about bringing God's word up here in Vegas at our church, sunrise Bible Church, and you can go there. It's free. You just got to sign up. We need to have a headcount to deal with traffic, but we hope to see you there, so that'd be great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, Looking forward to it. Hope you guys can make it out there to Pastor Billy's church and conference. I think it would be a blessing to you if you get a chance to do that. So here's where I want to tap into your latest book, obviously that you just you kind of mentioned that you're going to be speaking about this next week, but in that latest book that you had and DVD that K today, he would use a more subtle approach to global domination. So kind of explain to the audience what you mean by that, the strategies about what they're doing with putting their people in place and positioning things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just to give a little backdrop, our latest study, which really is what I call the big finale of our Schwabbing the Deck series about Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum. This is the latest one, the big finale. Okay, what about America? What's the World Economic Forum's plan for America?

Speaker 2:

But what started it all was a deep dive that I did, the first one on Klaus Schwab and the Third Reich, and basically I did a deep dive on because I had a suspicion. I ran with it and it paid off. And I'm going like, wait a second, this guy's plan for total domination and certainly his accent, ha ha ha certainly sounds German to me. What's going on here? And so I knew a little bit about the Third Reich. But I went even deeper and so I studied as deep as I could about okay, what would Hitler have done if he could have pulled off and won World War II? Because he wanted to bring the Third Reich to the planet? So I took a look and I categorized all the goals of the Third Reich, what he was going to do, hitler. And then I just did a polemic study on what is this great reset and Klaus Schwab wanting to do?

Speaker 2:

Pastor Brandon, I am not kidding you. It was tit for tat all the way down the line and all Klaus Schwab did was relabel it. And it's not a surprise. I'm not seriously. The Third Reich, really, what's going on? It should be called the rise of the Fourth Reich, but Klaus switched it just a hair and it's called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Yeah, or the.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Reichsdead. He just scrambled it a little bit Sure, and then we went, and that's no conspiracy. His dad was buddies with the Nazis and he ran a factory where Klaus grew up as a young man and his dad won awards, helped the Nazis build armament and things of that nature and all this stuff. So this is the world that he grew up in. So basically, after going that deep dive, it really gave me personally the game plan. So now all you got to do is follow Hitler's script and then that tells you exactly what Klaus and the gang are going to do. Just pay attention. They're going to tweak the words a little bit and that's all they do.

Speaker 2:

And so here's my point. So that really shows us that it's just Hitler part two. Hitler tried with a physical, military, frontal assault to bring about the Third Reich. It didn't work. He lost the war. Klaus learned the lesson, in my opinion, that okay, that doesn't work. Too many people are going to resist. So he took the slow approach right and his slow approach was okay. Instead of a full frontal military assault, let's slowly, behind the scenes, plant SS agents around the world, in every developed country, and then get them in key positions and then use something to start the process and everything and everybody will act in lock and step with what Klaus wants to do and take over every developed country. That's literally what has happened. Now. I call them SS agents because that's what I really believe they are, but that's not a theory.

Speaker 2:

In 1971, klaus Schwab started the World Economic Forum and since then he has been training quotes young global leaders to do his bidding for over 50 years. Do the math, and so that's why I said it's the slow game. And so 50 years he's been training people to follow his will. The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution it really is the rise of the fourth Reich, and then he's been planting them all over every single developed country. And then admittedly and it's still on their website, the World Economic Forum's website they admit that the pandemic was the trigger to begin to put the Great Res the fourth industrial revolution in place, to create a crisis. You manage the outcome. So this time again, they did a different tack. It's not a full frontal military assault. That didn't work. It's been a slow invasion and getting SS agents around the world in key positions who will do what Schwab wants to do. And it's game over. And that includes and that's why we had the big finale that includes our own country.

Speaker 2:

We've got Joe Biden on tape, on tape being introduced by Klaus Schwab. And this is how Schwab and it's on tape. I can't believe it. Here's how Schwab introduces Joe Biden. He said you have been. Here's how Schwab introduces Joe Biden. He said you have been one of my hardest working disciples.

Speaker 1:

That's a direct quote of Joe.

Speaker 2:

Biden on tape. Then Joe Biden gets up and does a speech on the coming industrial revolution, the great reset, the fourth industrial revolution, really the rise of the fourth Reich, and he talks about this, the new digital economy and reality that's coming right and and that's the great reset they want to. And again, that's why biden was brought in, because there's two sides to the great reset. The first side is it's an economic reset. They want to take over the world, sure, and they want to bring in a cashless, a digital cash, cashless society that will then be able to control people on steroids and it, specifically, is biometrically tied into people, into that system, which led to our second resource, klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and the coming Mark of the Beast. It's the digital infrastructure for the Mark of the Beast system. The Bible is the only book on the planet that calls it for what it is. They can call it the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, blah, blah, blah. It's really the rise of the Antichrist kingdom. But this is why Biden was brought in, right. This is why two years ago, in March, he signed the executive order for America to go digital.

Speaker 2:

They're just waiting for the right crisis, and I'm convinced the right crisis is a purposefully scenario to destroy the American economy. This is why, the very first day when he got into office, what was the first thing he did? He shut off the pipelines. That's true Because, historically, secular economists will admit, any thriving economy, any thriving nation, has to have bare minimum cheap, readily available oil and energy. And so if you want to destroy an economy and these are secular saying this then you have to get rid of their access and the ability to get cheap energy. Well, that's what he did.

Speaker 2:

And and then people see this is smokescreen that people need to realize. You know, you got. You got Biden, he can't walk. And you got Kamala she can't talk. And people are like well, man, what a bunch of wackos. They keep making dumb decisions. No, no, no, no, no, no. They're not just making dumb decisions, they're making deliberate decisions to purposely destroy our economy, because once you understand the plan, then it all makes sense. Oh, the first half of your great reset is we have to crash the global economy to reset it with our new Hitlerian economy. Well then, therefore, what has to go America? That's why Biden was brought in, that's why they cheated, that's why they made sure he had to get into place. And I'm telling you, that's why they made such drastic moves when he was so bad, tanking it in the polls, and there was no way he was ever going to win this election. That's why they got so drastic.

Speaker 2:

And prior to that, remember the talk everybody was saying Harris, who would ever vote for? Harris, harris, whatever. And then all of a sudden, they kick Biden out and all of a sudden, she's the miracle child. Yeah, because they have to finish the job. They need the next election cycle to finish the job and they have a goal. They want to have all this in place that we're talking about by 2030. And so they have to have another hireling. Harris is a hireling. We expose her. She's been working since. She's been in the White House. She's been working pushing the Great Reset agenda all over the world. Her husband, doug Imhoff. He gives speeches at the World Economic Forum. They're all coming from the same root and once you get that, then you go oh, this is what it's really all about and that's why we plan it. It's not just the destruction of America, it's the planned destruction of America. Yeah, good point. If these guys get in round two, it's over. Pastor Brandon, yeah Well.

Speaker 1:

I got a lot of questions. I want to ask you and that's phenomenal information that you have there. I got to come up to a break right now. But, pastor Billy, what I want to do on the other side of the break and this is kind of a teaser for everybody I want you to talk about these parallel strategies, and you mentioned that they have to destroy the economy. But what did you find in your research that parallels with what Hitler was doing, with what Klaus Schwab is currently doing? What are those parallels that you see of him creating basically another Reich? And so we'll take a break right now and we'll talk about that on the other side. Okay, so, guys, just hang on, we'll be right back after these messages.

Speaker 1:

Hey, everybody here at Tip of the Spear Ministries, we are on the front lines of the spiritual battle. Unfortunately, there are are on the front lines of the spiritual battle. Unfortunately, there are forces on the internet, dark forces, that seek to silence us and suppress our message of truth. You know what I'm talking about, without me even naming them. These satanic forces want to censor us, but with your help, we can push back. We need you to be a part of our mission. Help us spread the truth by liking our videos, subscribing to our channel and sharing our content with those who need to hear it. With every click, with every share, with every subscription, it strengthens our ability to shine the light in these dark days and, as you know, we are living in the last days.

Speaker 1:

We see the issues that are going on in Israel. We see the issues that are going on in Israel. We see the issues that are going on with the formation of a one world government. We see the formation of a digital currency. We see the whore of Babylon. The signs are everywhere, but there is hope and there is a message for those who are watching, and so we want to make sure that we get our weekly prophecy updates out.

Speaker 1:

We want to make sure we get our in-depth interviews out. We want to make sure that we get our weekly prophecy updates out. We want to make sure we get our in-depth interviews out. We want to make sure our Bible studies get out and our sermons get out to help prepare not only believers, but to alert unbelievers.

Speaker 1:

But we can't do it alone. We need your help in this battle. We need a pushback and you make the difference. I know it sounds simple, but liking and subscribing and sharing our videos is how to make an impact so we can expose the signs of the times and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ in these last days. So thanks for standing with us and let's all do our part. All right, guys, we are back. We are back with Pastor Billy Crone, and he's been explaining what's been going on in America for the last I don't know several decades now, and especially with the Joe Biden administration, and what's going on there, but the planned destruction of America and bringing in the Great Reset. So, pastor Billy, I want to pick up where we left off, and the question I have for you, then, is with you doing all this extensive research, what parallels did you see with what we saw with Hitler and what he was trying to accomplish, and what Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are trying to accomplish?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, again it was just tit for tat. You just go down the list of how did Hitler even get into power? How did he dupe the people? And again it was promises of utopia, but it was on the back of a major economic crisis that Hitler was going through. And it sound familiar? Yeah, real familiar, right? So that's step number one.

Speaker 2:

So they learned that that works. It worked with the German people. So they, you know, put in a crunch time and it's like oh, how a savior, a new plan is in place and we're going to, we're going to fix it all for you. Just let the government, the third Reich, do it for you. That was the first thing. The second thing that they also promised people was visions of utopia that they I'm not making this up, this is in print, this is in print. I'm going like you gotta be kidding me. Wow, imprint. This is imprint. I'm going like you got to be kidding me. Wow, did you know that Hitler was an environmentalist, that Hitler was going to? I'm not joking, it's imprint, pastor Brandon, I couldn't believe it. You've got to be joking me.

Speaker 2:

It's everything they're messaging the green, new green message, and all this it's straight out of Hitler. Hitler promised that he was going to get rid of pollution. Hitler promised that he was even going to take care of health care and get people to stop smoking Even back in those days, folks, he was going to get rid of all the dangerous chemicals and things of that nature and he was going to listen, save the animals, and he was just going to bring about a great utopia, and they were going to create this wonderful utopia on Earth. It's the exact same thing that Hitler did. These guys are promoting the Green Party, the Green New Deal and all this baloney. It same thing that Hitler did. These guys are promoting the Green Party, the Green New Deal and all this baloney. It came from Hitler. Most people don't know why, because you don't know your history, and if you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it, and that's what they're doing. So that was another one.

Speaker 2:

Another one that blew me away was the transportation system, right, biden's bill, infrastructure, whatever, whatever. What a pork belly. That was yeah, right, and a pack of lies. But anyway, Hitler said that in part of his utopia and he's going to save the environment, he's going to save the planet. Save the animals, save Bologna and this wonderful utopia, as long as you just let him take control on the backs of an economic crisis.

Speaker 2:

He promised everybody would get two things in his new Third Reich. Okay, everybody would get their own car and listen, including their own flying car. What, wow, what are you saying here? First of all, it was called the people's car, okay, okay, in German, you know what it is. Is that Volkswagen car? Okay, okay, in German, you know what it is. Is that Volkswagen? Volkswagen, the Volkswagen Beetle was the people's car. Everybody was promised that you let Hitler bring in this utopia, we'll all have great transportation. It'll be great, for you know the environment. Everybody will have a car to own, as well as a flying car. There was another one that they were working on, and then, so you know what the modern day people's car is to help save the environment. It's called the Tesla.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there you go, electric car. Okay, electric car right.

Speaker 2:

And, just as a side note, that people need to be forewarned Elon Musk is not a friend of America. Elon Musk is one of these guys who's helping Klaus Schwab bring about this digital prison planet, and so we expose that as well, and so the whole transportation system. We're going to do that. He, of course Hitler, promised housing and we're going to take care of you and all that stuff. And then Schwab's doing the same thing 15 minute cities, everything's going to be provided for you, and all that stuff. And then Schwab's doing the same thing 15-minute cities, everything's going to be provided for you. So it's all carbon copy of what he did, but the way that he really got for those, because some people, even back then they were going like hey, wait, a second man, this guy sounds like a dictator man. Yeah, you could say utopia, save the planet, save the animals, we're all going to get a people's car. It's going to be great. Blah, blah, blah. You're going to rise us out of the ashes of all this economic morass. And the three are like no, you're starting to sound like a dictator.

Speaker 2:

Well, hitler to push people over the edge and force himself into power, and then now it's too late. And then here comes the Gestapo and the SS agents. For anybody that disagreed, then that's the same thing. He used what was called the Reichstag fire, and if you look at the Reichstag fire, basically that was an event. It was a staged event that became the excuse. See, this is why we have to give Hitler power to do this, and so it's. Create a crisis, manage the outcome, so that's the same thing. The pandemic was the Reichstag fire for the world and things of that nature, and then destroying our economy. This is the crisis. To get people who even realize that something's not right here to bow a knee. So that's another one. Hitler also took over everything. Right. Today we call this the government is taking control of everything.

Speaker 2:

Well, hitler did the same thing. He took over the educational system once he got into power, and they only taught what he wanted them to teach. Oh boy, he took over the media right, that's Joseph Goebbels right. And then he used the media to brainwash people to think that what he was doing was fantastic. He took over the healthcare system.

Speaker 2:

Is any of this starting to sound familiar? It sounds like America, man. Thank you, and that's why I said it, Pastor Brandon. Once you find out the game plan, then all you got to do is follow the map and then pay attention. They've just relabeled it, but it really is Hitler's agenda. That's again why I call it. It should be called the rise of the fourth Reich, but that's too obvious, so just call it the rise of the fourth industrial revolution. That sounds better, doesn't it Right? And so and on and on. It goes tit for tat. That's what these guys are doing. And then the control of the media, the schools, the economy, people's livelihoods. That's when the clamps begin to come down. That's when the true colors begin to come out. Anybody that disagreed began to disappear. Now we're not at that stage yet. Yeah, but I tell you what? Our voices have disappeared because you try saying anything that these guys don't want to have out there in the media. You and I have been dealing with this for a long time. What happens? You're silenced.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we get our programs taken down.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah, we get our programs taken down. When we released this book, we had a long-standing relationship with our original book publisher. Written over 70 books now, and they're not all on prophecy, as you know, as a pastor, I teach on a bunch of other stuff. Sure Right, but Amazon complained to our publisher about this book Klaus Schwab and the Rise of the Third Reich, really and the publisher pulled the plug on us.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, and the only reason why I found yes, the only reason why I found that out was because they made a fatal mistake. Okay, they forgot to erase the thread from Amazon. Oh, they did. Yeah, and Amazon complained and said you better do something about this, in essence. And so our publisher said we're done with you Now.

Speaker 2:

Long story short, romans 8, 28,. God works all things together for good. It basically led us to having now our own book publishing equipment that we have, so you can Good for you, mark, all you want, you can't stop us now and so it actually ended up better. Plus, once people found out and here's my point, they didn't want this to get out and once people found out that we, basically our ministry, was a victim of cancel culture, all it did was stir people's interest even more. What's in those books about Klaus Schwab that Amazon doesn't want us to know, right? And so it all blew up in their face. But my point is it's the same thing.

Speaker 2:

I just did an interview last week with JB Hickson and we were talking about the witchcraft that's in the White House, which includes Biden and, of course, harris and all that stuff, and we traced that trail. There's a spirit behind this and it's not from God, I'll tell you that and I kid you not. So, basically, I go to repost that interview. Just the link, just the link to Facebook, and this is the first time it's happened this fast, instantly, pastor Brian, within seconds, maybe only two to three seconds instantly it was deleted and completely banned from Facebook. Really Wow.

Speaker 1:

And did they give you any notification or anything? No, nothing.

Speaker 2:

Just, we're doing it, and of course you violate our standards, and of course you always say well, review, that's not true. Blah, blah, blah. It never changed anything, but this has been going on for several years with us, with YouTube. You've experienced that. I have too. Yes, right, but this was the first time Facebook, literally in seconds, refused to let this information out, which, again, is basically the contents of this latest study. And so here's my point that's what Hitler did, sure, and that's what I say. We live in America, spelled with a K. Now, these guys it isn't just Klaus Schwab's SS agents are in the White House, with Biden and Harris in the gang, it's. Jeff Bezos is a part of this. Yeah, I mentioned Elon Musk is a part of this. Corporations, media moguls, they're all a part of this. They've all been hirelings of Klaus Schwab. That's why, just like Hitler did, once they got into power and positions of control, they controlled everything. The next step will be you don't just lose your voice, you disappear. Yeah, and that's the reality.

Speaker 1:

That's the scary part and that's the playbook, right? And it seems like, when you look at all these guys that have been trained by Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum, they all are playing on the same playbook. So whether I go to Macron in France or I deal with my crazy governor Newsom, he was trained by Klaus Schwab. They're all doing the same playbook. So let me ask you this, and I don't know if there's an answer to this why do you think all of them bow a knee to Klaus Schwab? Why are they following his orders? Why is he the ringleader? Because to me, on a human level, pastor Bailey, this guy has no power whatsoever. I mean, yeah, he's the head of the World Economic Forum, but why would I, if I'm Elon Musk or if I'm Gavin Newsom, bow my knee to this guy? What's your theory on this? What have you discovered?

Speaker 2:

Well, a couple of things that I would say is one, when you understand the spiritual element behind it, and again we exposed that witchcraft at the say. Is one, when you understand the spiritual element behind it. And again we expose that witchcraft at the world economic forum, witchcraft in the white house. Yeah, there is a spiritual element and it's, it's part of what I came out of new age and the occult. Okay, and and so it's a Luciferian organization. I'm not joking, that's not hyperbole, it's a spirit behind it and it's not from God.

Speaker 2:

Number one, number two you know the old phrase absolute power corrupts Absolutely. Yeah, a lot of these guys. It's not enough just to be the president of the United States. It's not enough to just be in Congress. It's not enough to be one of the richest people on planet earth, to just be in Congress, it's not enough to be one of the richest people on planet earth, they want even more power. And then the other one, the third element. As the scripture says, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Good point. And these guys have basically sold their soul to the devil, also known as, basically, klaus Schwab and the gang, and I mean that tongue in cheek, but really they sold their sold the Klaus Schwab, because this is what they're promised, pastor Branham.

Speaker 2:

They are promised that they will get it at the top of the pile while the rest of us are down here. And so you work with us, and then we'll make sure that you and your family, you'll be fine and you'll be one of the quote elites. And then that's what they're doing. It's basically like they sell their soul for an insurance policy that, when the crash happens, deliberately, that you know, hey, they'll be fine, they'll be one of the rulers somewhere, they'll be rewarded by Hitler I mean Klaus Schwab and they don't have to worry about it. So I think it's a combination of motives.

Speaker 1:

Billy, pastor, billy, there's no other way I can explain this from a human level of why everyone would be cooperating on such an anti-human, anti-civilization theme with what Klaus Schwab is pushing. Like you say it's coming from Hitler, but really it's coming from the father of lies. And so kind of delve into that, what you have discovered, and kind of let's unearth that for everybody.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's interesting, as you're saying that, a reminder of the interview that I have on file from Nelson Rockefeller and he was trying to convince this is on tape. And he was trying to convince another gentleman that he had befriended to go along with basically microchipping the whole planet for purposes of control and basically, if you don't do what they say, they're going to shut off your chip. What does that sound like? And so, but basically, the guy, he called Nelson on it as they were having another meeting over dinner, and he says I'm getting concerned about this. He says why, why would you do this to the planet? I mean, you've got more money and more power than anybody. And and why would you want to microchip the planet? And then you know, control people in such a manner, and and and Rockefeller looks at him and says what do you care about that? You just care about your family and yourself and all that. But that's their mentality. That's their mentality. As long as they're at the top of the pile, who cares? We're going to do this. But this was the other deep dive that we did, and because I'm going like there's got to be a reason why they're doing this, there's a spirit. Now, again. Where did I discover the clue?

Speaker 2:

The clue was back with Hitler and the Third Reich. Hitler was not only an evolutionist, and that's one of the reasons why he was wanting to annihilate the Jewish people. The Jewish people were at the bottom of his evolutionary list. Hitler wanted to create what was called the Aryan race, a new and improved race, part of his third Reich utopia, but the way to get to a pure race and improve better humanity. Then he began to start with those who were at the bottom of his evolutionary list. And guess who was at the bottom of his evolutionary list? And guess who was at the bottom of the list? The Jewish people, jewish people. He believed that the Jewish people were close to pure ape. Are you serious? Wow, and this is documented. And then, but see if he would have finished with that. He wasn't done. This is what people don't realize. He would have moved up to the next scale, second to the last, and that's the black African people. He would have been systematically annihilated. Then he'd move up to the oriental people that he felt were like kind of half ape, half human, and then on and on up until he was left with the Aryan race. So there was a bigger plan which, by the way, that's ended up with our third resource, klaus Schwab eugenics and the rise of the Nephilim. The second half of the Great Reset is a human reset. These guys want to do the same thing that Hitler did with eugenics and create a master race. Now you can't call it Aryan race, because that's too obvious. Sure Right. So they've relabeled it. It's called Human 2.0, augmented Humanity or the Post-Human Species. No joke, this is what's going on. So even that they're copying Hitler as well, but in this other he's an evolutionist.

Speaker 2:

Hitler was an evolutionist, but Hitler, he was a heavy-duty occultist. In fact, this was very interesting. The swastika is an old symbol. It did not start with Hitler. It's actually been around for a long time in different religions, especially the Hindu religions, and in Tibet, the Tibetan Buddhists. The Tibetan Buddhists, the black magic monks. That was one of their symbols for black magic monks. Uh-huh, that was one of their, their symbols for black magic. Also, the ss. A lot of people believe that the ss uh-huh was was. You know, the symbol was two s's. It's two lightning bolts and they symbolize.

Speaker 2:

It's an occult symbol still used to this day and a cult symbol. The lightning bolt, uh, symbolizing Satan falling from heaven, like lightning, that. And so, basically, hitler, nobody caught it because they weren't equipped on occult issues. Hitler was so bold about being involved in the occult. He even had it on his soldier's uniforms and with the SS and with the sw swastika. Those are occult symbols. Wow, that should have been your first clue, but most people don't do. It got it and so. But hitler himself was involved in the occult and we traced that down.

Speaker 2:

Hitler relied on occult powers to get him into power. One of them, uh, and this is still in print, even the the heretical channel, I mean the history channel, they even admit this Hitler, early on, relied on what was called the Mandrake root. And the Mandrake root we did a 66-week study on the occult. We brought all this stuff out. Wow, and so the Mandrake root is an old-fashioned occult root that they believe has supernatural powers and that you can utilize that thing to do all kinds of stuff they believe, which, by the way, is also mentioned in the Harry Potter series and things of that nature straight-up witchcraft.

Speaker 2:

But he was given it's in the Bible too, yes, and he was given this mandrake root and he wore it around his neck and this guy was working with him. There was two major occult people that helped Hitler get into power, and Karl Haushofer, he was one of them, and the Society of the Golden Dawn was another one. And they admit that we're the power behind Hitler and we're going to make sure he gets into power. But he wore that mandrake root to give him occult powers and mysteriously, he starts winning and gaining popularity. And and then people said, historically, when you heard Hitler speak and this is from the people there was something supernatural going on. When he got up to speak, it was like an other worldly voice and he was able to mesmerize a crowd like nobody. And because I believe that Hitler was demon possessed and also this is in historical account towards the end of Hitler's days, a lot of his aides and this is in historical account, I'm not joking his room in a dark corner, sweating profusely, shivering, mumbling, like an idiot, basically saying they're here, they're here, they're coming to get me. I mean, this guy was demon possessed, so he was involved in the occult. So, anyway, that's what I discovered when I went down the Third Reich. So I'm going. Wait a second. Could it be that Klaus Schwab, once again, like everything else you're saying, is also involved in the occult and using occult powers to get him and others into office?

Speaker 2:

Yep, exactly, and that's what we bring out in this study witchcraft in the World Economic Forum, witchcraft in the White House, and so I traced it down and they're basically you can call it New World Order, you can call it Great Reset, you can call it the Age of Aquarius, you can call it the Fourth Industrial Revolution, all you want, but basically it's a Luciferian order that started with a lady in the late 1800s Madame Blavatsky this is where your Luciferian order comes in and she started. She basically published a magazine, an article or whatever that basically the Lucifer journal, and they and she was possessed and had demons speak through her, and they told her that Lucifer is a good guy and that Christians got it wrong and that if we listen to his plan, then we'll be able to fix the problems on the planet and bring in a utopia. It's the Luciferian order. So that's in a nutshell. It's called theosophy, yeah, a theos, god, sophos, wisdom, god, wisdom. It's no, it's from Satan, right, and so basically, so from her, she passes the baton to Annie Besant. So she passes the baton to Annie Besant, annie Besant gets connected with more demons.

Speaker 2:

And then she added another layer to this Luciferian message, and that was we've got too many people on the planet and we need to annihilate. Yeah, here comes your population control. There you go, we need to annihilate. And why is this a shock? It's not a shock because Jesus said Satan's a liar and he's been one from the beginning. The father of all lies, including this one, that Satan's a good guy and he's a murderer, and he's been one from the beginning. So that's no surprise that he wants people to murder mankind. He hates us. But then she gets hooked up with guess who? Margaret Sanger.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there you go. That's a familiar name.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Planned Parenthood, so Planned Parenthood in print. She wanted to get rid of the Negroes and the other quote she called misfits and weeds. Wow, and so that was part of the eugenics program back in the day. But that came from Blavatsky, annie Besant. Then it passes the baton to another lady called Alice Bailey.

Speaker 1:

Alice Bailey's bingo.

Speaker 2:

Very important, because here comes your UN connection, right, because she is still to this day Alice Bailey. She started what was called the Lucifer Publishing Company. Well, that was a little too obvious, so then they changed it to Lucius Publishing and then now today, still to this day, lucius Trust right, and still to this day. On their website you can see that they are hand-in-hand working, and have been for decades, with the United Nations. I filmed inside the United Nations. I actually secretly was able to get inside their meditation room. Oh, wow, yes, and so we got that on tape.

Speaker 2:

And on the inside most people don't see tape and but. And on the inside most people don't see the inside of the UN. On the inside they don't hide it, man, it's all about one world religion, one world government. But it's not. It's a Luciferian order. That's what they're following, lucifer's order from Blavatsky way on, and so. So basically, then it gets connected with a gentleman. His name is Maurice Strong. Maurice Strong was a longtime standing leader in the United Nations. Okay, guess who was lifelong buddies with Maurice Strong, who's following this Luciferian order that we need to bring in a one world government, a one world religion under a one world leader? Satan's a good guy and he's going to bring peace to the planet. Guess who was his lifelong buddy? Klaus Schwab, oh, no I couldn't believe it.

Speaker 2:

Man, I'm going you've got to be kidding me, Are you serious Right, and so, again, they call it Great Reset, call it the Fourth Industrial Revolution, even the New World Order. You trace the trail. Even the new world order it. You trace the trail. It's a Luciferian uh uh, uh, a counterfeit to what Christ promises in the millennial kingdom when he comes back. It's basically Satan's version of follow this man who's the antichrist that people will look upon. The savior, listen to Lucifer and he'll bring peace to the planet. It's a total counterfeit. It's a ripoff of what Christ will bring, and so it's just like Satan right. And so there's that. And then that was just the World Economic Forum. Then we traced the trail with all the demonic stuff that's going in in the White House and has been frankly, to be honest with you, both sides of the aisle, for a long time, and so it's no shakes that they work together so well because they're all coming from the same spiritual root and it is not the spirit of God.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the only thing I can come up with. I mean, you've done extensive research on this, but just on the outside looking in, and any person out there that's listening to the broadcast, that's a Christian. You would have to step back and say wait a second man, this is not human. I mean, pastor Billy, every policy that comes out of the White House is anti-human. I don't see who it benefits. You know what I mean, and so I'm thinking to myself it's got to be Luciferian, and so you've hit the nail on the head and you've traced it. Now what I'm curious about is what's been going on in the White House and I'm sure my audience is curious about what's been going on in the White House with this Luciferian thing. I know I remember studying a little bit about Hillary Clinton and John Podesta being involved in spiritual cooking and weird stuff like that. You know very satanic things. But here's the thing I'm going to give a tease. I got to take a break. But on the other side, I want you to explain what's been going on in the Biden administration or however long in the White House We've had these Luciferian things going on to give people a better idea that, hey, you know what this is beyond human. There's something else going on here that you can only explain spiritually, so we're going to take a couple minutes break. We'll be right back with Pastor Billy Crum.

Speaker 1:

We are living in the last days of this age. The signs are all around us Wars, unrest, the world's in chaos. But amidst the darkness there's hope, there's a message for those who are watching. And at Tip of the Spear Ministries we stand on the front lines of the spiritual battle, providing critical insights into the prophetic events that are unfolding before our very eyes. And as part of a remnant circle of conservative prophecy ministries, we are called to warn, to encourage and to bring hope to both believers and unbelievers about the Lord Jesus Christ. And through our weekly prophecy updates, our in-depth interviews, our sermons, our Bible studies and this global outreach through Tip of the Spear Ministries, we are able to shine the light on the truth of Scripture, preparing the world for the coming rapture, the tribulation and the glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

But we can't do it alone. Your support is vital to our mission. By donating to Tip of the Spear Ministries, you help us continue to share God's prophetic word with those who are seeking answers, to sound the alarm before it's too late and to equip believers for the spiritual warfare ahead. If the Lord puts it on your heart to help us out financially, visit tipofthespiritministriescom today and make your donation. Together we can bring hope in these last days and spread the light of God's truth in a world desperate for answers. God bless you and we're back.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, guys, for tuning in to Tip of the Spear Ministries and we have on our program, if you haven't been listening, pastor Billy Crone explaining to us what's happening in the world, as far as the Great Reset about the Fourth Reich, the continuance of Hitler's plan now coming to fruition through Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and all their devotees, and we've been now talking about how it's stemming from a Luciferian concept of a counterfeit kingdom and a counterfeit Christ, and Pastor Billy's been talking about that. So now, pastor Billy, I want you to go into a more personal thing in America, because we know it's been happening. In Europe, it's been happening around the world. But what's been going on in our White House? Because I know you've done some research on the background of the I don't know what you want to call it demonic activity that's been going on, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. In a nutshell, when Trump said we need to drain the swamp, I'm convinced he forgot one word we need to drain the occult swamp. Oh, okay, it is really that bad, it's been that bad for a long time Now.

Speaker 2:

Just as a segue, I didn't plan on this. This is the way it came out. I mentioned we did a 66-week study on the occult. It ended up being 66 studies with six books. Go figure, go figure, that one, yeah. So anyway, I'm just sharing this if people want to get more information. We did a 20-week study on witchcraft, witchcraft and the rise of Wicca. We also did a 16-week study book or DVD on all this stuff, uh. 16 week study on Satanism, uh. And then we did a 30 week study on voodoo, vampires and the rise of demon worship and things of that nature. And, uh, but basically we summarize a lot of that into this again, witchcraft in the white house and witchcraft, uh, in the World Economic Forum. We talked about the World Economic Forum, but that's what we have in this resource as well.

Speaker 2:

But basically the White House has been messed up for a long time. And again, I wasn't looking for this particular thread, but I came across it and I said, well, hey, that's interesting, let's go down that rabbit trail. And basically what I discovered? Unfortunately, pastor Brandon, when they use the phraseology that we're in a battle for the soul of America, they ain't joking. And then you wonder why, how in the world could America go down the hill so fast and become so anti-God, anti-jesus, anti-bible in such a short period of time? Because we are infested with people who are into demon worship, satan worship, and it's no joke. This is really what's going on. This is why it just keeps getting worse and worse. And an anti-Christian, but anyway. But what I discovered was back with President Pierce, way back then, just prior to Abraham Lincoln, his wife, jane Pierce. They lost their son and at that time in America, before we had the second great awakening which we were desperately in need of, a spiritual revival.

Speaker 2:

Part of that was there was the craze around America and Europe. It came over from Europe. There was a craze of what was called spiritualism. Spiritualism is basically Ouija boards, seances, contacting the dead, mediumship. You see a lot of old black and white photos with people. That was all the rage across, not just in Europe. It hopped upon and came here to America and, of course, the promises we could speak to your loved one, et cetera. Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

No, if you hear a voice, if something appears and says hey, I'm your Aunt Vera or I'm Abraham Lincoln, no, it's a demon. The Bible is very clear You're in heaven, you're in heaven, you're in hell. You're in hell, you ain't coming back, okay. And so something does appear, even mimics this so-called loved one or historical figure. It's what the Bible calls a familiar spirit. It's a demon, okay, so so anyway. So this is the rage. Well, their son dies, and so she goes out in her grief and she brings these people into the White House and they start doing seances to contact her dead son. Oh no, and then, pastor Brandon, it never left.

Speaker 2:

The very next administration you got and this is in secular print, this is not a conspiracy theory Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln had multiple seances in the White House. Why? Because his wife, mary Todd Lincoln. They lost a son, and so she relied on the coal. He allowed it to happen, abraham Lincoln. And so you're inviting this demonic activity. And it never left. You can pick an administration, yeah, and then, not only that, it's still in historical record One of the most watch this haunted places in America. Now, of course, what's a haunting Right? It's demons, it's demons.

Speaker 1:

You can call it ghost, ghost adventures, ghost hunters whatever.

Speaker 2:

No, it's demon hunters, demon adventures. That's really what you're getting involved in. Yeah, but you know what the most quote haunted to use their term places in all of America is the White House. Oh, no, the White House in Washington DC. You could take tours to go on these different. They call it again haunted demons. Okay, and there are even secular people who visit the White House, and this has been going for decades.

Speaker 1:

Oh no.

Speaker 2:

Some of them literally run screaming out of the White House because they see apparitions of different people of different entities claiming to be this, whatever, and it freaks them out, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I bet, and no wonder you invited me cold and it never left. Now let's fast forward, okay, and I'm just being fair. People, oh, you're always picking on the democrats or whatever. I mean I, I do like the phrase. I mean, you know, speaking of left out things, they left out a little little letter that maybe it's demon crafts but anyway, but uh, but you look at their agenda and it's definitely demonically inspired when they want to murder children and all kinds of stuff, but anyway, anyway, exactly, that's a side note.

Speaker 2:

But let's go back to as recent as Reagan. Okay, ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan and his wife, nancy Reagan, especially and this is secular knowledge she was heavy duty into astrology and in fact to the point where Reagan allowed her to seek astrologists to determine when was the best time to take a trip form policy if he was going to run again. So let's just be honest. What is that? I see a cold, even with Reagan. I'm just being honest. So what follows? Reagan? You got Bush Sr, and then I'll fast forward. Skip the Clintons for now Bush junior, both of them. I got Bush junior on tape proving he was not a Christian. We got lied to with him. I got him on tape. He was interviewed after 9-11 by a newscaster and said do Muslims and Christians worship the same God On tape? Bush junior says yep, sure do. Oh, no, oh. He pressed it even further. He said do Muslims and Christians get to heaven? Bush Jr on tape said yes, they do. They have different routes of getting there, but they all make it to heaven.

Speaker 2:

Excuse me you can't say that if you're a born-again Christian. So we got to do it by the guy. But both of those guys, senior and junior, are a part of the Skull and Bone Society. Yeah, okay, I heard that that is an occult society that we bring out in our studies. That is not from God. You might as well just say they're part of Freemasonry which, by the way, we just recently released our mega Freemasonry study Freemasonry and Satan's Satanic Order. But anyway, and so they're a part of a secret satanic society.

Speaker 2:

All right, well, let's back up to the okay Clintons. Okay, what about the Clintons? Clintons, this is in secular print. Man Hillary would have also seances in the White House. Oh, no, and she claimed to be able to speak to Gandhi and Eleanor Roosevelt, among other dead people. No joke, wow. And said that they give her advice. Oh, and, this is in secular print. So she's got seances in the White House.

Speaker 2:

Before that, I got on tape one of the people that was like a bodyguard for the Clintons back in the early days in Arkansas and I don't know if the guy's still alive, because you know what happens with those people, right, they disappear. But on tape he said one of his jobs was to keep a lid on what Hillary does during the weekends. And during the weekends she goes out on tape, she goes out in the wilderness and she's a part of a witch cult. Oh, no, she goes out there and does witch stuff, which, shocker, not a big surprise, right? No, no, she goes out there and does witch stuff, which, shocker, not a big surprise, right? No, no, not at all.

Speaker 2:

Bill. Bill's not innocent. Bill and this goes back to 1975,. Bill and Hillary go to Haiti. I've been there before and really did a deep dive on that place and the surrounding area, the Dominican Republic and that whole area. Heavy duty into voodoo. Sure, voodoo is all about demon worship. Yeah, okay, and the whole goal is to get demon possessed so they could speak through you and give a word of knowledge and healing powers. Does that sound familiar?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very familiar, that's going on in churches.

Speaker 2:

That's a whole nother thing. And so he got there. They were a part of a voodoo ceremony. He got there, they were a part of a voodoo ceremony people cutting chickens' heads off. This is secular print. And the people of course. What happens is it invites demon possession. They start freaking out and they're demon possessed. Bill's all excited. He's going wow, this is incredible. And he basically says that after that experience with voodoo, that quote the Lord convinced him to run for election. What?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's the Lord of Voodoo is what it was, right, right. So then you got, of course Bush Jr is already mentioned. And then who follows him? The Obama, obama. Obama is on record as the most anti-God, anti-christian in the history of the United States of America, and part of it is because of his behavior and things that were involving Satanism, which we bring out.

Speaker 2:

That sounds like pretty crazy, but we bring it out, sure, and I'll just give you an easy example of just that I came out of Satanism, amongst other things, unfortunately, the number one law of Satanism is do what you will shall be the whole of the law. It's all about selfism, and that's being promoted across the planet, even in churches today. Satanism, the number one law. But there's another law. It's called the law of reversal, and the law of reversal is an act of rebellion against God. So if God says something, you do the exact opposite. Okay. So if he says don't murder, you murder. If he says don't lie, you lie. If he says don't steal, you steal. And on and on it goes. He says don't commit adultery, you commit adultery. And so it's called the law of reversal.

Speaker 2:

In Satanism, it's called the law of reversal. In Satanism, you do everything the exact opposite. It's not just the premise of rebellion, it's also they do their rituals backwards. Oh really, yes, they speak backwards, they walk backwards. It's called the law of reversal, it's just straight up Satanism. These guys will tell you who they're working for if you have eyes to see, ears to hear and if you know anything about the occult. And I came out of that, and one of the things that's not by chance was the slogan that he picked to run on right, and that was that phrase yes, we can.

Speaker 1:

Okay, right, yes, I remember that, yes, we can, yes, we can.

Speaker 2:

And I kid you, it's going to sound crazy, it's going to sound like I got a tinfoil hat on, but I encourage your viewers to to put it to the test. Right, record on your phone. Most people can realize that on your phone, that you can hit a function and it'll reverse it for you. Okay, right, so, just right there. So record the phrase, or go on the internet and have him say it. Obama, because he said it over and over again yes, we can, yes, we can, yes, we can. Okay, play it backwards. Okay, you know what it says. No, thank you Satan. Thank you Satan. Oh, no, does it really? Thank you Satan, dude, at first I'm going. Okay, come on, that's kind of wacky. I tested it out myself. It's perfectly. Thank you, satan.

Speaker 2:

And again, it doesn't make sense until you understand the occult. The occult will tell you who they're working for. Evil loves to brag. They'll do it to you in your face, but they do it in a secret way that only those who know the right symbols or the codes or the numerology understand what they're doing. So he told you who he was working for back in the day. That's one easy example His wife wink, wink, yeah, she brings in voodoo into the White House. Right, she brings in voodoo in the White House, right? Marion, her mother, her dad, was suffering More than one time. She had voodoo santeria, voodoooo santeria that is a branch of voodoo into the white house, just like the clintons to bring healing. This is going to in the white house now. One of their buddies, the obama's buddies, is oprah wong kenobi. Right, the biggest new age priestess on the planet.

Speaker 2:

We affectionately call her and uh, but uh, even her admits that she gets and this is secular, secular information she gets possessed oh, she invites demons to possess her, to give her listen, not only supernatural acting abilities, but when she goes before an audience, it will to be able to impact the audience. Right, right, this is secular print. Also, go back to the law of reversal. Right Of all names for Oprah to pick for her studio. You know what it is? What is it? Harpo, which is the reverse of Oprah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, isn't that just a quick thing?

Speaker 2:

No, it's not. It's a reverse. It's the law of reversal. These people tell you who they're working for, if you have eyes to see. Now let's fast forward to Biden. Wow, now I don't know about you, but to me a sign that you're in the wrong camp. And it's like did people forget this when he was running the first time against Trump? Did anybody besides me notice that the witches and the Satananists were rooting for biden and they were performing rituals that was going against. Remember that.

Speaker 2:

It's like everybody's now yes, yes, I remember that okay, and so I'm going like man, when you got the witches and the satanists on your side, that's not a good sign. That's not a good sign, and then's not a good sign. And then, did everybody forget this? It's still in print. They had a slogan Biden-Harris the first time, and did you see what it was? Dude, it's a pentagram. The Democrat, it's a pentagram. They just altered it on the side. It's a pentagram.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

And it's not a conspiracy theory, it's in print, it's a pentagram. Then let's go back to another thing. I'm telling you you got to break out the calculator. These guys tell you who they're working for. Tell me this is by chance, right Now, joe Biden, this guy, even back then he was already having troubles reading a prompter.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, but of all, it's like, did everybody forget this? And again, you got to understand, in the occult, numbers are big. They do rituals on certain days. Certain numbers, uh, in witchcraft it's called the. The three is a big number, but so is in satanism and freemasonry, okay, and uh, it's called the, the power of three. Uh, the symbol in witchcraft is called the triquetras, like three triangles coming together, okay, and and that's where we get the phrase, still to this day People don't realize they're quoting witchcraft.

Speaker 2:

That three times a charm. Well, that's straight out of witchcraft, it's the power of three, and they believe that you don't just say your spell once, not twice, it's on the third time, three times a charm. Then that's when the power is released, and then, if you want to put it in quote, turbo mode, then you do your ritual three times, but with three witches, the power of three. So again, this is not conspiracy. So three is a very important number, but anyway. So let's go back to Joe Biden and his number that he advertised for people to text to donate or support. Remember what it was? It was 30330.

Speaker 1:

That's right. He couldn't even get it right when he said it.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you. I'm sitting there going, come on, throw this guy a bone. I mean, he's way worse today than he was back then. But hey, if you're going to ask him to repeat a number, do something like 1111.

Speaker 1:

Maybe he'll get that right Not 30330, whatever.

Speaker 2:

No joke, right. So you bust out the calculator. Take the year that he was running 2020. Divide that by 666. And what do you get?

Speaker 1:

You get the number, then 30330. Oh, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

What are the odds of that? That's not by chance. No, it's the occult. Most people don't get it because they've never been taught. The occult. Numbers are big. In the occult, evil loves to brag. They will tell you to your face what they are doing, but most people don't catch it. Hitler wore occult symbols on the uniform, but they didn't catch it because they didn't realize those were occult symbols. It's the same thing today and that's why things are so messed up, pastor Brandon, because these guys are all involved in the occult. It's a Luciferian order, it's a counterfeit to Christ's coming kingdom, and this is really what they're trying to install on the planet. They just relabeled it. But the good news is the Bible is the only book on the planet that cuts through all the verbiage, all the lies, and calls it for what it is. You could relabel it whatever you want. All it is is the Antichrist kingdom that God warned about, that he is going to come back and judge to smithereens. Psalm chapter 2. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen to that, hey, fascinating man, and thank you for all that research, Pastor, because people need to know that, they need to be able to connect dots and you have done that for them and I hope they get a hold of your resources. Give us some good news about this coming kingdom of the real king and how someone can get into that kingdom, Pastor Billy, because people might share this with their secular friends and they may not know Christ. There is coming a kingdom, a real kingdom, and explain that to people and then explain to them how they can get into that kingdom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm glad you mentioned that because we actually believe it, or not end on a high note Because after this.

Speaker 2:

This is a bombshell. It's like whoa, hello, thanks for ruining my day, but we end on. Basically, it's a clarion call to the church. The church has the answer. Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to help America get people saved? And it ends on an action. And it ends on an action we don't.

Speaker 2:

Fear does not come from God. Fear comes from the enemy. God doesn't tell us these things in advance to freak us out. It's to get us more excited about his soon return and to finish strong as his people, so we don't get lazy or procrastinated or distracted. And so it's a call at the end, to be the salt, the light 2 Thessalonians 2, the restraining influence right. And we are to be the biggest whistleblowers on the planet. We are to be Klaus Schwab's fly in the ointment that's what the word means there, katecho in the Greek, to withhold the course thereof. Right. And the Bible says that the antichrist can't make his full appearance until we make our disappearance. And so we need to get back to what I call plan A. There's never been a plan B. Plan A is to be the salt, the light and the last day's resistance. Join the resistance. That'll be a good t-shirt one day, but anyway so.

Speaker 2:

But the point is, what do we do? We don't sit around and hide out in the hills and freak out and go AWOL. No, we hold the front lines, we occupy and we expose what these people are doing. It's a moral issue, it's a spiritual issue and we are to be the salt and preserve and to beat back the darkness with the light of Jesus Christ. Preserve people's lives, tell them the truth and blow the whistle on these guys as we tell people the good news. Amen.

Speaker 2:

The word gospel means good news. Why is it good news? Because this is Satan's kingdom that they're bringing. You don't want to be a part of that, but there is another kingdom that's coming that nobody can stop, not even these guys. That's why Psalm chapter two says God, he who sits and thrown in heaven laughs. He's laughing at these guys. You think you're going to install your kingdom right and then stop my son's kingdom? Oh, you better kiss the son lest he be angry with you. God mocks and scoffs at them. You better get saved. And so the good news that we have is listen, don't follow these guys. This is Hitler on steroids. It's a Luciferian order. You need to be a part of the real kingdom, that you wanna be a part of the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ. And the only way that happens is when you get saved.

Speaker 2:

Saved from what? Saved from the dilemma that we're all in? The Bible says that God is holy. We are not. The wages of our sin is death. We all deserve, myself included, deserve to die and be separated from God forever in a place called hell.

Speaker 2:

But Jesus Christ came. God sent his one and only son to die on the cross for us. He took the death penalty in our place to forgive us of all of our sins. And the Bible says that if you entrust your eternal destiny to him, you trust that it is Jesus Christ's death on the cross that is sufficient to forgive you of all your sins, then you'll be forgiven. The Bible says you confess Jesus as Lord, believe in your heart that God raised him from the grave, you will be saved. It is a gift from God. He did all the work. You just need to receive the pardon for your sins.

Speaker 2:

And no matter what you've done, you're looking at a 1980s ex-headbanger, drug addict, sex moral male, showman's pig guy involved in the occult. I was a Christian God hater. God saved me. He can save anybody. All you got to do is turn to Jesus Christ and ask him. Then here's the good news.

Speaker 2:

Why is the rapture called the blessed hope? Because our hope is not in this messed up time right now. What is coming is called the seven-year tribulation. You don't want to be a part of that, but you can escape it if you give your life to Jesus Christ and get saved, because you will go at something called the rapture. And what happens after the rapture? Keep going. It's a future beyond your wildest dreams. It's not make-believe, it's real. Jesus didn't come to just save us from hell. He came to give us what's called our inheritance, a future beyond your wildest dreams.

Speaker 2:

When we get rapture, we go to heaven, a place that is so amazing it's going to be phenomenal. Then we come back with jesus revelation 19 to be a part of what's called the millennial kingdom, the real kingdom, where jesus christ will be ruling the planet, literally from jerusalem. It's going to be absolute righteousness. There's going to be peace with nature, is the planet will be renovated to garden of even light conditions. And then, after that thousand Jerusalem, it's going to be absolute righteousness. There's going to be peace with nature. The planet will be renovated to garden of evil, like conditions, and then, after that thousand years, we get to be a part of what's called the new heavens, the new earth, the new Jerusalem, and it's called the state of eternity.

Speaker 2:

Listen, no more death, no more mourning, no more crying. It's all gone. The devil, demons, all these guys, it's gone forevermore. It's called the state of eternity. It's amazing. You want to be there, you don't want to miss it and you could have it if you would simply ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. It's amazing and, pastor Brandon, that's the message we have to get out in these last hours that our hope is not in a political savior. There's one and only savior. His name is Jesus Christ. We have the answer to everything that's going on wrong with our country. We just gotta get back to that, and that answer is Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. Well said, my friend, well said. And folks, if you're listening to this and you haven't made a decision for the Lord, I hope you do that today. If you have, here's what you need to do. We need you in the fight, we need you in the battle, we need you at the tip of the spear, we need you doing what Billy's doing exposing the darkness with the light. And so, pastor Billy, you have some fantastic resources right there that you were holding up the whole time. How does someone get equipped with that information? Where did they find that information at?

Speaker 2:

Well, not Amazon anymore, Our teaching website, getalifemediacom. Getalifemediacom. That's where you can get the books, the DVDs Again our DVDs. We don't copyright every piece of media, including the books, by the way, the DVDs we have. After I'm done speaking, I pop back up. Give the gospel, invite people to pray and receive Christ as their Savior. So it's great for evangelism. We don't copyright them. So make a billion copies, Spread them out, Get them out as fast as we can. Right, let's work together and make a world of difference for Christ. But getalifemediacom Perfect.

Speaker 1:

So guys, make sure you're getting those resources and following Pastor Billy. How are they going to find you? Are you on YouTube? Are you on Rumble? Where are you at on social media?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're all over the place because our methodology is we're just trying to reach as many as we can as fast as we can. So we're on every piece of thing you can think of.

Speaker 2:

YouTube Facebook, facebook, twitter, which is now X course Rumble, of course, all that stuff. But we tell people, listen, uh uh, youtube is people. They go to you. Oh look, he's got a YouTube channel. Listen, that's great, it's ubiquitous, it's user-friendly. I get it, but get off of that. You can download our app, search my name, billy Crones, for free and it unlocks basically 13 years with material for free for watch this and whatever, but that's one. Or go to the website, because YouTube and all these others most of them for years have been deleting and banning our studies. So if all you do is go to our YouTube account and we got three of them you're missing so much material it's not even funny. So if you want to get the whole enchilada of everything, then do our app, billy Crone, search for that. Or go to the teaching website getalikemediacom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no joke, man, I have the same problem on YouTube. So, guys, he's absolutely right, they take down stuff, they're censoring things, and so you got to make sure you get the app and all the information you provide. Billy, you're providing it, and so thank you for all the hard work you're doing and I can't wait to see you next week at the conference, and we're going to have a great time exposing more of the darkness and to bring that light to people. So thank you so much for being with us, my friend.

Speaker 2:

And guys thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you so much for being on the broadcast and, as always, keep looking up, for our redemption draws near. God bless you guys. We'll see you next time. Thanks for watching.

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