Amos 3:7 A Love of The Truth

A Nuclear Showdown in The Middle East? - A Urgent Bible Prophecy Update

Amos37 Ministries

Could the recent upheavals in Iran fulfill ancient biblical prophecies? Tune in as Bill Salus  & Tom Hughes talk about an Urgent Prophecy Update, unraveling the connections between today's geopolitical events and the scriptures from Jeremiah 49, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Obadiah, and Psalms. We begin with the stunning news of Raisi's helicopter crash and the subsequent removal of key Iranian leaders, exploring whether these developments signal a divine orchestration. As Iran nears nuclear capability, we examine Israel's strategic military responses and their potential alignment with end-time scenarios.  Iran is ancient Persia & Elam in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.

Drawing insightful parallels between biblical narratives and current events, we discuss the providential nature of these occurrences. By referencing Daniel 2:21, we contemplate divine intervention in the removal of Iranian leaders, akin to the biblical story of Haman's downfall in the Book of Esther. We delve into the notion of retributive justice from Genesis 12, which underscores the principle of blessing those who bless the Jewish people and cursing those who oppose them. This segment also addresses the prophetic destruction of Damascus as predicted in Isaiah 17, and its implications for Israel's future.

Our discussion broadens to include the prophecy of Elam and its potential to ignite military conflicts, with a focus on the hopeful outlook of Iranian Christians. We highlight the significant role of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as prophesied in Zechariah 12 and their divine-supported defense of Jerusalem. The episode concludes with a heartfelt prayer for those affected by severe weather, and a commitment for further enlightening conversations with Bill Salus. Join us for this thought-provoking journey through prophecy and current events, as we seek to understand the unfolding of these significant times.

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Tom Hughes:

The Earth, the Earth, the Earth, the Earth. Thank you. Hey, welcome everybody. We made it. We had a few tech difficulties but we did make it and it's cool seeing people from Arkansas Yvonne, just from Arkansas. Ontario, canada 61 countdown. Michael Digman from Texas. We have people from various places in Canada. So Ireland watching Welcome. Sorry about the glitches that we had a half hour ago, but it's just weird stuff. Satan is the prince of the power of the air and the air waves and we just marched through. We're gonna bring the truth regardless. This morning, on our Sunday morning service, gospel of John, we had somebody from India that was joining us. Very cool seeing people from all over. Welcome Allison from Tennessee and Leon from Connecticut Totally cool. Okay, let's get going. Hi everybody.

Tom Hughes:

Man, we have a great program for you today. This is a big deal. It is a prophecy update. I marked it urgent because it is urgent and please welcome my guest, bill Salas. And Bill, this is having you here.

Tom Hughes:

So much to talk about. You know, ricey's helicopter's down. He's taken out. There's other guys taken out, as you mentioned just before we came on. Two of the top three people in Iran have been taken out. But with that there are geopolitical things are shaping, bill. I believe god is moving everything forward. This helicopter crash really just moves everything. It kind of fast forwards everything. But I've got so much to ask you, bill, so I'm just gonna. Here's what we're gonna talk about about a hundred things.

Tom Hughes:

You have this video that you did with Mondo, by the way, where you cover the IDF versus Iran, based on Jeremiah 49,. Idf versus Syria, isaiah 17,. Idf versus Hamas, zephaniah, idf versus Palestinians, obadiah, idf versus Hezbollah, psalm 83, idf versus Jordan, idf versus Egypt versus Saudi Arabia versus hostile neighbors. That's just one of them. I have this DVD too. This is cool. Israel versus Iran and its proxies, the destruction of Damascus, isaiah 17,. Russian coalition invasion, the two Christian killing crusades of the tribulation period, the 200 million demonic army that kills 130 humankind. Demonic invasion that torments unsafe people for five months. There's just so many things here. But what's so weird, bill? I guess it's not weird to you and I, because we base what we do on the Bible, so these were done quite some time ago. In fact, I remember, bill, when you first it was Israel Stein when Psalm 83 first came out, right?

Bill Salus:

Israel Stein was in 2008. And then after the spring we updated that to the Psalm 83 book.

Tom Hughes:

Psalm 83. And I remember meeting you when you wrote Israel Stein. So, and these things are all based upon the Bible. So you look now, you see what's going on and you're looking. You know, the reason you can stay accurate is because you're based on the Bible. But these things are just absolutely amazing and I want to thank you for all the work that you've done. You even have this one that I have up here, the nuclear showdown with, and you have Iran. So I have so much going on. I just want to, before we even get going, bill, I'm going to give you a chance to say hi to everybody and then I have like a million questions to ask you.

Bill Salus:

And Tom, thank you so much for carrying those products. I certainly appreciate it. And hello everybody. It's great to be back on the program with Tom.

Tom Hughes:

Yep, and Bill, I don't know. Bill was out of commission for a while and now he's back, just started doing videos again. Great to see. Uh, you're moving along great, bill. Fantastic, so all right. So iran this is a quote, uh, from uh grossy. Iran has never been closer to achieving a nuclear bomb. It's estimated that may be a matter of weeks, and not months, away. That was on May 19th, so that was just a week ago, okay, and it was also this last week that the helicopter goes down. So many things are going on, bill. I just, I just think let's just get to the heart of it. Start with the top and work down. So Russia. Start with the top and work down. So Russia. Excuse me, israel Bill stated that the war could go on until 2026 and move into the north of September of 2024. So Israel's been projecting this long. We see what's going on with Hezbollah in the north. The helicopter's now gone down. I think more shakeups are coming. God is moving everything forward. Bill, let's just start with your thoughts. Discuss Ricey's death. Take it away.

Bill Salus:

Yeah, absolutely. That comment you made about Israel suggesting the war could continue on into 2026 was recently assessed by some of the military leaders and they talked about, with more intense fighting to the north, around September, which is just a few months forward here. And of course I think one of the reasons they're feeling this thing is going to prolong is because they're surrounded by the proxies of Iran and of course they're sort of I wouldn't say a standstill. They're still going into the Rafah but they're having to be careful about that because of all the pressure upon them with the Biden administration and the United Nations etc. So now they're projecting hey, this war could continue on for a couple of years. And I would suggest to you, tom, that if it's going to continue on to, in their estimation, a couple of years, they're going to be also considering taking out Iran's nuclear programs, nuclear sites, because, like Rosie had just said, they are very close to having a nuclear weapon. Some of us, myself included, believe they probably already do have them. Recently an Iranian leader came out and said we do have nuclear weapons. Even Khomeini is talking about changing his so-called policy that Sharia law does not allow us to have a nuclear weapon. But now we're thinking about it. So I mean, this is one of the reasons that the US is having indirect talks with Iran because of their concerns about their nuclear program, and even much more so in my estimation. You know we were just talking about this before the program.

Bill Salus:

I don't think the elimination of Raisi in the helicopter with the other foreign minister key player, amir Abdelhalian, if I pronounce his name correct is coincidental. I think it's providential. You know they were the number two and three point men leaders behind Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran. God took them out, we're told in Daniel, chapter two, verses 21. So my estimation, god was responsible for that. Let me read this verse to your viewers. You know, we know we talked about this.

Bill Salus:

Israel knows how to assassinate leaders. They did in 2010 when the Stuxnet virus was. They were trying to contaminate Iran's nuclear program to their computers. At that time, when that wasn't extremely successful, they started assassinating nuclear scientists. Of course, they've been involved in assassinations ever since, assassinating Iranian generals, et cetera. But God knows how to remove kings as well. Daniel 2, chapter 21 says Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His, and he changes the times and seasons, and he removes and raises up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with understanding. You know, in April 2024, here in April 13th, 320 missiles were fired over the air to Israel and one of the main endorsers of that was Raisi. And at this point in time, so on april 13th, we were talking about this frank sinatra song, because that's like that's what all the people say. You're riding high in april. So he's riding high in april, a bomb in israel. But then again the song goes on. He's shut down in may he was down in may.

Bill Salus:

He was shot down in may and so he was wanting to wipe his off the map and him and his other Iranian foreign minister. They were shot there about the face of the earth. They were wanting to send missiles and hurt Israel through the sky. In essence, their missile and a twist of providential fate turned out to be a deadly missile on their behalf. I'm not saying they were shot down by a missile, but I'm saying their helicopter essentially turned into a lethal missile against them.

Tom Hughes:

Like God took his finger and just boop on the helicopter. So you pointed out something that I think is really. It's a great comparison. You have the hanging Judge Ricey with the hanging Judge Heyman. So you think of Heyman from the book of Esther and Haman's? We're going to wipe out all of the Jews. He has the gallows built and guess what? Guess who gets hung on his own gallows? Haman. And you have a great comparison there.

Bill Salus:

Well, I was thinking about that, you know. I mean he was known as the butcher of Tehran, but he was also known as the hanging judge. You know, after the revolution and the takeover of Iran in 1979, iran went to a war of attrition against Iraq from 1980 to 1988. And there's lots of political dissidents and during that time Raisi was responsible for signing executions on many of those political dissidents. And then in 1988, as that war had ended, or coming concluding to end, kameni went and said you know, he was on Racy, was on a committee of four, like a tribunal, and Kameni said we got like 5,000 plus political prisoners we got to deal with here. So this tribunal of four all decided, well, let's just hang these guys and execute these guys. So that's when he got the name the hanging judge, when he executed the most 5,000 dissidents. It was responsible for that.

Bill Salus:

And I started thinking about, you know, because Raisi became second to the second man in command of all Iran and we had a notable figure back around 483, 473 BC, during the time of Esther, named Haman, prime Minister Haman, who also was the second in command under King Ashur of Persia. It's a couple comparisons. I started thinking about this now and it's a really interesting chapter for your viewers to read in Esther, chapter three. But I'm going to just sort of take a few highlights. Haman, basically, he was seated above all the princes who were with him. He was second in command. He had a real problem with Mordecai, who was, I believe was Esther's cousin. He was a Jew who worshiped God. He would not bow or pay homage to Haman like the rest of the princes and people that were doing. Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow or pay homage to him. He was filled with wrath and that wrath turned out to be poured over until he wanted to actually destroy and create genocide of the Jewish people. There were a lot of Jews who did not go back to Babylon after Cyrus conquered the Babylonian Empire, so a lot of Jews were still there when Persia took over, and so he wanted to kill all those Jews that were still living in that kingdom. In one day he convinced King Ahasuerus he should do that, and then, of course, king Ahasuerus found out ultimately that Haman was trying to deceive, you know, kill all those Jews, and his wife, his queen Esther, was a Jew, and so somehow, in the term of events, I'm kind of jumping through here, but your viewers should read Esther, chapter three. It turned out that Haman was hung on the gallows. He prepared for Mordecai to be hung on because of what he attempted to do and God turned that around.

Bill Salus:

That's the curse for curse and kind clause that applies in Genesis, chapter 12, god's foreign policy. 4,000 years ago he said I will bless those who bless you, abraham, and curse those who curse you, and that extrapolates on through to the Jewish people. There's a curse for curse and kind clause. So, however you try to curse the Jewish people like, pharaoh tried to kill the firstborn males, while in the plagues Pharaoh's firstborn were killed. To kill the firstborn males, while in the plagues, pharaoh's firstborn were killed. Pharaoh tried to destroy the Hebrews at the Red Sea, but the Hebrews went through the Red Sea and Pharaoh and his army went into the Red Sea and the waters converged on them and destroyed them. Haman tried to hang Mordecai. Haman got hung in the same gallows and said we're going to also see that the Arabs are trying to destroy Israel. They've done that in 1948, 1967, 1973. But we're going to find out that it's the Israeli defense forces militarily that destroy them. Curse for curse inclined and I would basically suggest, perhaps because Raisi wanted to hurt Israel, wipe them off the map, and he's said that on several occasions.

Bill Salus:

As a matter of fact, he said in April 18th, 2023, reported on Al Arabi, he said Raisi says Iran would destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa if Israel attacks us. Well, of course Israel did attack. They responded on April 19 to the Iranian attack on April 13. So what was next? Was Raisi going to attack Tel Aviv and Haifa, like he said he would do if they were attacked? So I think, basically, god had to take this guy out and I think that's what God did.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, let me ask you. I have a whole bunch of questions to go over with you and regarding one of them is just regarding Zechariah's prophecy, where two thirds will be eliminated Think of time, of the tribulation period, but one third will escape and I think of the threats against Tel Aviv. You start looking at Israel, you divide them up into two-thirds. I mean, there's so many different things you can look at with what's going on today, but I want to ask you some questions, because this book and we also have the DVD on it is the future war prophecies Arab-Israeli war, gog and Magog war, war in heaven, armageddon you have so many different things here. So Israel versus Iran and its proxies I want to come back to that because we're looking at that right now. We're looking at these proxy wars and man, but before we even go there and you guys can see, the DVD, bundles and books are also available but the destruction of Damascus, isaiah, chapter 17.

Tom Hughes:

Bill, let me ask you about that. You and I both believe that's future prophecy. It hasn't been fulfilled yet. Some of our colleagues agree with us, some don't. But why do you believe it's future, and what? Well, I'll tell you what. Even before that, what is the Isaiah chapter 17 prophecy, so everybody's on the same page. They know it's about the destruction of Damascus. Walk us through that and why you believe it's future and what would be a reason for Israel taking up Damascus.

Bill Salus:

Well, I'm glad you said let's go over the prophecy, because sometimes we do these shows and we take for granted that people who are watching understand the prophecies, because supposedly we think they've heard us talk on it before. So let's take a moment just to break down the prophecy. I'll talk about a few of the key verses. The first verse, isaiah 17, 1, talks about Behold, damascus will cease from being a city. It says. The first verse, isaiah 17, 1, talks about Behold, damascus will cease from being a city. It will be a ruinous heap, it will be reduced to rubble. We find out in Isaiah 17, verse 9, that that is caused by the children of Israel. It says there will be desolation in Syria's strong cities caused by the children of Israel. We find out in Isaiah 17, verses 14, that it is an overnight destruction. It says when you see him speaking of Damascus in the masculine pronoun, but in the morning he is no more. This is a portion of those who plunder us and those who rob us, meaning in self-defense. Israel has to pull out their most dangerous lethal weapon, probably a strategic nuke, to destroy Damascus overnight. But we are told in Isaiah 17, verses 4 through 6, that Israel takes a severe hit. It says, the glory of Jacob will fade, his flesh will wax, lean. He will be like the shaking of an olive tree with two or three branches and the most bound four or five in the fruitful branches. And when you look at an olive tree and superimpose that over a map of Israel, a fruitive variety, all olive tree could have about 500 000 olives on it, but we're having this shaking. That happens in isaiah 17 and there's just a few left in the north part of iran. Hyphen all that and we already take an example right here. This could be a repeat of what's going on. There's already 80 000 people in northern is Israel that are evacuated.

Bill Salus:

I want to talk about something you made a comment on how you actually saw a lot of those evacuees and hotels when you were over there. But get back to Isaiah 17. And then it also talks about the fruitful bow down around Tel Aviv. I would say, if you look at that fruitful bow all of two superimposed over Israel, of course what did Razi say? We're going to take out Haifa and Tel Aviv. So it looks like they do take a hit, according to Isaiah 17, 4 through 6. So that's the nature of the prophecy. Any questions before I get?

Tom Hughes:

into the objections. No, I do want to comment, though You'd mentioned we talked a little bit about it off air when we were there in March, we met many of the evacuees in both the hotel, the place we stayed at in Galilee and also in Tel Aviv. Let me tell you they were very thankful that we were there because, you know, not many tourists are coming. When we were in the old city of Jerusalem, I had to get a cab ride one day as one of the Arab drivers by the Jaffa Gate and he said I was the first customer he had since October 7th. And you know, this is all, it's all the way across the board. You know, you look at the old city, especially where all the markets are, whether they're the Arab markets, the Christian section, the Jewish section it's so dependent on tourists. And I looked at him and I said how do you even eat? How did you get by? You know the cab driver and so many other people just walking down the street. They're so thankful and I can tell you this, we felt very peaceful, in fact very safe. It was a fantastic trip.

Tom Hughes:

I can't wait to go back. My friend Joe Pettick is there today. Brandon Holthaus will be there in two weeks. I plan on going back two more times in the not-too-distant future, but I look and go. There's still. What's going on in Gaza is Gaza, and what's going on up north is up north. That's a big deal, which takes us back to Isaiah 17.

Bill Salus:

Yeah, you know, CBN had done a TV show and they walked a camera down through the old city just recently and most all the shops were closed. And they talked to a couple of storekeepers and one of them said you know, we used to make about 100 sales a day. Now we're lucky, we make one sale every two weeks. Only us who have a savings account can keep our stores open. And you look, and most of those stores are closed. I've been to the Old City, as probably many of you viewers, so when I watched that video I was shocked Like wow, this is really a different time and space for Israel right now.

Tom Hughes:

Heartbreaking is what it is. It's very heartbreaking, but it is. God is moving his prophetic calendar. He has a timetable on his prophetic calendar and he is moving it forward. I believe, bill, we are experiencing that we are part of what God is doing. So in Isaiah 17, the war, damascus why would God or why would Israel take out Damascus? I mean, we know prophetically, but what would be a reason Israel would do it?

Bill Salus:

I mean, we know prophetically but what would be a reason Israel would do it? Well, I believe they find themselves engaged in a proxy war. It turns out to be a prison rule fight. They get the possibility for Hezbollah launching 6,000 missiles a day. This was a report that came out. Pretty good scenario 6,000 rockets at Israel during the first few days of a war.

Bill Salus:

Israeli defense establishment is preparing for the worst case scenario on a war with the northern border, which should include days long blackouts, hundreds dead and thousands wounded. They haven't seen that kind of onslaught yet. I think that's coming. I think Iran is holding back on that temporarily. They talk about that's the first few days. Phase one, phase two or three would be a couple thousand effective missiles hitting in Israel major cities and sites. These are effective, meaning not taken out by Iron Dome and falling indiscriminately in the fields.

Bill Salus:

Also, there are reports coming out not too long ago that Iran is working to take over Syria's chemical weapons industry. Npr pointed out that Syria used chemical weapons over 300 times in the revolution. I-24 says. Israel report warns Iran is helping Syria develop chemical weapons. Uh, the, an arab report says israeli warrants. Israeli report warrants of syria chemical weapons available to hezbollah.

Bill Salus:

So what I'm saying here. Is that, I think, what's going to happen. Iran, of course. They shot over 320 missiles. Uh, I think what they're going to do is they're going to call on his ball to lob in thousands of missiles. Some of those precision guided, go beyond the north into tel aviv, maybe down even to southern parts of Israel. The Dimona Nuclear Reactor, the Ben Gurion Airport, all the strategic targets Syria is going to probably bring in chemical weapons if Hezbollah does not do it. Also, she had militias from Iraq. Houthis say they can send missiles into Tel Aviv, iran coming at them. Houthis say they can send missiles into Tel Aviv, iran coming at them, as for some reason, israel and self-defense has to, you know, not get destroyed. So in other words, they have to put out a nuclear war.

Tom Hughes:

And they take out.

Bill Salus:

Damascus overnight and the city ceases to exist. Now, all this continuously inhabited the city in recorded history going back to the time of Abraham, about 4,000 years ago. Now some people say well, this was fulfilled with the Assyrians in 732.

Tom Hughes:

Can I hold off on that and get to why it hasn't been fulfilled yet? In just a second, just put it in perspective for all of our viewers. So when Iran launched their attack on Israel last month, it was 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, 120 ballistic missiles, all coming at the same time, but the threat coming from Hezbollah at the direction of Iran listen, the president's out and the other guy, but Khamenei is still there and the reaction I mean I could easily see him going okay, hezbollah, you can unleash this, and what would happen at that moment is far greater than what Iran did last month, what Hezbollah could do and to overwhelm everything. So when you look at this, you start looking at that, and you have, and the world sentiment. I mean, there's so many anti-Israel people, it's like you know, you read these reports. Hey, ron, the radical parts of the Muslim world. Hey, they've got the world opinion on their side now with college campuses and these other things that are going on there. The US media, even if most people don't believe it, most people are supporting Israel Still, you look at this.

Tom Hughes:

Well, khomeini's a madman. He's still alive and he could easily call the shot for everything to happen. So I look at this. This is something that we'll get into the timeframe of that in just a minute, but I would like to just go. Man, it is praise God that God is on the throne. Okay, we'll come back to that, but let's go to why you don't believe it has actually taken place yet. It's still a prophecy coming up in the future. Although some of our colleagues say no, this happened thousands of years ago.

Bill Salus:

Sure, I'll answer that next. I do want to make this speculation, though, in light of what you just said. When Iran sent over 320 missiles, I don't think they believed that 99% of those were going to be intercepted. And now picture this, because we're going to talk about a prophecy, hopefully today, about a bull being broken in Jeremiah, chapter 49, in Elam, which is the area on the western side of Iran, which is where all those missiles came out of, where Iran has its portable rocket launchers and missile silos, and it's a strategic target of Israel's to take out that area. But the point is I don't think Iranan realized 99 of those are going to be intercepted and I think they probably had to have a plan in action. Or if, all of a sudden, they that triggered a major escalation which it really could have. If a lot of those had dropped where they were intended to drop, I I think they would have had at that point his wall ready to lob in their 6 000 missiles and, sir, to go with their chemical weapons. But that was staved off because of the intervention of helping with Israel the US, the UK, saudi Arabia, a little bit France, I think as well, of course and Israel came back and showed them about a week later hey, we can actually hit your nuclear sites. They dropped off those drones over there by Ishfahan. So I mean now getting back to Isaiah 17,.

Bill Salus:

A lot of people there are a few people like Dr Mark Hitchcock and Andy Woods, who think it was fulfilled in 732 BC by the Assyrian Empire. My comments would be that, first of all, here's a few people who don't agree with that Rosenberg, dr Fruchtenbaum, al Lindsay, vernon McGee, chuck Missler, jack Hibbs, amir Safadi, tom Hughes, I believe, thomas Ice, jan Markell, david Reagan, brandon Holthausen. The list goes on and on, and on.

Tom Hughes:

Y'all write about me, by the way.

Bill Salus:

I thought so. You know, isaiah writes in the 66 chapters about Assyria or the Assyrians, over 37 to 41 times. 37 on Assyria or the Assyrian, 41 times, and everyone mentions them in Isaiah 17. But he does talk about the Israeli Defense Forces, desolation caused by the children of Israel in Isaiah 17, verses 9. By the children of Israel in Isaiah 17, verses 9.

Bill Salus:

The other thing too is that Jeremiah 49, verses 23 through 27, which was written about a century after Isaiah talks about, I think, additional details on Damascus, the destruction of the city of Damascus. So if it hadn't been destroyed in 732 BC, as these guys have suggested, then it would have to be rebuilt again for Jeremiah's prophecy to find fulfillment. So I think it's better to say that it wasn't destroyed and fulfilled and ultimately it still survived and existed, although there was a conquest. But the conquest we need to realize now one of the astute Assyriologists named George Smith. He wrote a book in 1876 entitled Ancient History from the Monuments of Assyriologist named George Smith. He wrote a book in 1876 entitled Ancient History from the Monuments of Syria in the Earliest Times to Fall of Nineveh, and in that he talked about.

Bill Salus:

It was a long quote but I'm just going to abbreviate it. It says 591 cities were captured and spoiled, and the whole kingdom of Rezon who was the king of Syria at that time of the Damascus area, rather, who was the king of Syria at that time? Of the Damascus area? Rather, it was called the Ram. However, damascus, however, held out and could not only be reduced by famine. So, leaving part of his army before the city, jaleel al-Fiaz, who was the Assyrian leader at that time, marched against the other rebels. So, in other words, he took out all these 591 cities, but damascus held out and could only be reduced by famine. But, as we're told in isaiah 17, 14, damascus is destroyed overnight. When I you see him in the morning, he's no more. So these, I think, are pretty sound arguments why we should be looking for damascus to be still ceasing to be a city and fulfillment of isaiah 17, verses 1.

Tom Hughes:

Thank you. Listen, I have a lot more questions to ask you, so we're going to move on. But I mean, I just find this interesting the road to Armageddon, this one you did with Mondo, four-hour series IDF versus Iran, idf versus Syria, idf versus Hamas, idf versus the Palestinians, idf versus Hezbollah, jordan, egypt, saudi Arabia and so forth, and you have scripture references for all of them. Again, the Future War Prophecies video. So we do have that. If you're interested. Everybody, we have both a book bundle and the DVD bundle there. You can see it right there if you want. I mean, so much is there and Bill does such an incredible job of going into details. And also we have the book bundle, psalm 83. If you wonder what is really going on with Psalm 83 and what Bill's thinking, a great book, and that's how I was introduced to Bill back in 2008 with his first book on that. And then the Future War Prophecies book and Nuclear Showdown in Iran, which we're going to get to with some of this one. Right now, some of the I mean we're not going to be able to cover the whole book, obviously, but check it out, everybody. Everything's there. I want you to be educated. I know you'll be blessed. All Bill's material is great. Plus, bill and I have a documentary we did and it's not even in this bundle, but there's a lot.

Tom Hughes:

Okay, we're going to get to Elam, but before we even get to Elam and Iran, I want to ask you about Ezekiel, chapter 39, verse 7, right, so we have the battle of Ezekiel and it requires that Israel's going to get a victory. God is going to make sure that Israel gets a victory. This is when Russia, iran, turkey from the north, you have Sudan, libya, the others from the south, they come against Israel. This is different than Psalm 83. It's different than the destruction of Damascus. It's different than the proxy wars that we see currently taking place. That's different. That would be, as Bill, you've described, like an inner circle with what's going on with the proxy war, psalm 83, and so forth, ezekiel 38, 39, they're not the immediate people groups that are right up against Israel's borders, people groups that are right up against Israel's borders. So we're going to make this shift now to talk about Ezekiel 38 and 39 and then Iran coming into it. So when Iran, russia, turkey attack Israel from the north, god gives the victory to Israel.

Tom Hughes:

In Ezekiel, chapter 39, verse 7 says so. I will make my holy name known in the midst of my people, israel, and I will not let them profane my holy name anymore. Then the nation shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel. This is a comment from you. Ricey stood to destroy Israel, which would prevent God from making his holy name known, and he said no, god is going to be made known. God says my name is going to be made great among the nations. I look at these things and then you tie into we do segue into Elam prophecy. So take it from here, because there's so much going on, bill I mean so much going on Right, and I do want to make a comment back about what you said about the future war bundle.

Bill Salus:

There's so much going on, bill. I mean so much going on Right, and I do want to make a comment back about what you said about the future war bundle that you have. All the things I spoke about on Damascus, the objections to it being fulfilled in the past, objections to the Psalm 83 prophecy being more than just a prayer already being fulfilled. Objections to the Jeremiah chapter 49 Elam prophecy being fulfilled at the time of Nebuchadnezzar rather than being an unfulfilled prophecy. I addressed all those with an enormous amount of research inside of the Future War Prophecies book. So your viewers, if they're interested in those three prophecies and want to understand why they're still unfulfilled, they're going to want to get their hands on that book bundle that you got with the DVD.

Bill Salus:

As far as Ezekiel 38, verse 39, chapter 39, verse 7, that you read, that is a marquee man. God is going to show the world through supernaturally defeating that massive coalition of Russia, turkey, iran and nine members total listed by Ezekiel, through a great earthquake, fire, hell, stone, flooding, rains, pestilence. The world's going to be clear that that was the God of the Jews that stopped them. And that's when he says hey, I'll make my holy name known in the midst of my people, israel. They shall not profane it anymore and the nation shall know that I'm the Lord, the Holy one in Israel, which required there to be a my people, israel, and the Jews are in Israel today and requires the land of Israel to show that he's the Holy One in the land of Israel, the chosen people of the Abrahamic covenant and the promised land for them, the Abrahamic covenant. Russia is going to try to take over the prosperity of Israel, the pundit booty, but God is not going to allow that to happen.

Bill Salus:

And so here comes Iran with their Ayatollah and their president, former President Raisi, and their mullahs, and their stated intention is to wipe Israel off the map. They've done great leaps and bounds to arm the proxies like an octopus tentacles throughout the Middle East surrounding Israel. They've already called upon Hamas in the massacre on October 7th. They want to wipe Israel off the map. Be clear about that. God cannot allow that to happen.

Bill Salus:

I think what we saw recently with Raisi and the other crew members and that other foreign minister was God saying I will not stand for this stuff. You're not going to wipe my people off the map. I have plans to let the world know I'm the covenant-keeping God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the promise-keeping God of Israel. You guys are going down now and I think that could be telling us now because part of the prophecy. I want to read this to your viewers Ezekiel 39, 49 verses. Jeremiah, 49 verses. Part of the prophecy says I will establish my sovereignty over Elam, which is that western side of Iran where those missiles came out of, and I will destroy from there the kings and their leaders. So part of the prophecy is bad leadership. They want to launch something lethal somewhere.

Tom Hughes:

That's fascinating when you read that.

Bill Salus:

Well, when you take a modern-day map of Iran, it's comprised of two ancient territories Elam, which is on the western side by the Persian Gulf, and Persia, which is the rest of modern day Iran proper. So Raisi would, of course I mean, I tell it probably be the king per se, but the president could also be considered the state king. He was taken out and of course, he was ruling over all of ancient Elam and Persian now modern-day Iran. I don't want to make a bigger deal out of this than we should, but I think this could be. What I'm thinking this could mean now is that God's going to break the bow of Elam. He's going to prevent them from launching their missiles. They have a hypersonic missile that can carry a nuclear warhead that can get to Israel in 400 seconds, that's 6.66 minutes Travel five times faster than the speed of sound. It's stationed in that Elam territory.

Bill Salus:

There, what we saw on April 13th was interception of the arrows of Elam. That's what they came out of, but the bow was intact. They launched those missiles. But God's going to break the bow of Elam at the foremost of the mighty. He says In Jeremiah, chapter 49, verses 35. And he says he's going to bring about a disaster when that happens. So now I believe that's a prophecy that I'm actually thinking could be what God is preparing us to watch for here. Pretty quickly here man.

Tom Hughes:

Bill, this is amazing too. I'm so thankful you're on today and just talking through this. It's amazing to watch these events unfold. I mean I look and go how fast things are happening. But the details in God's Word and all of the different things unfolding I look at this and go. You know, if you're a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, if you understand Bible prophecy just to some degree, you're so blessed to be alive right now and witness these things.

Tom Hughes:

Daniel wanted to see the things, wanted to be able to understand the events that were going to take place with the future of Israel. The prophets of old did, and here we are watching things develop. I'm not saying this is exactly it, neither are you, but it is. I mean, it's just fascinating to watch this. Just the things that you just said. Really amazing as I look at this the summary of the Elam prophecy, where you have break the bow of Elam, which you were just talking about, that you have on your fourth summary. Bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, scatter them towards all those winds, scatter them worldwide. Cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies and before those who seek their life. What is that a description of?

Bill Salus:

Well, so yeah, the summary, the Reader's Digest version of the jeremiah chapter 49, verses 34 through 39 prophecies written in 596 bc by jeremiah, about 20 years before ezekiel wrote about persia. So modern day iran is elam. Jeremiah writes about that, ezekiel writes about persia and ezekiel chapter 38, and we just talked about e Ezekiel 38. They're not the same prophecies. Ezekiel intentionally, in my estimation, omits Elam from his belligerence in Ezekiel 38 because he's familiar with Elam in Ezekiel chapter 32, but he somehow omits them in Ezekiel chapter 38, which I think is because Jeremiah tells us what's going to happen to Elam beforehand. I believe the Elam prophecy happens before Ezekiel 38. But what happens in this prophecy, tom, is that the Lord gets fiercely angry. The reason he gets fiercely angry and he will bring about a disaster, an epic biblical disaster in the territory. He's angry because they have bad leadership. We know they have bad leadership because we just read the verse he's going to destroy from them the kings and the officials. Why are they bad? Well, they want to launch something lethal somewhere. God says that's not going to happen. I'm going to break the bull of elam at the foremost. So there might, could that be their nuclear uh capabilities, because you know. Obviously he can't allow iran to wipe his off the map, and nuclear weapons could do that. So he says when that happens, I'll bring about a disaster. I will bring about the four winds from the four quarters of heaven and scatter those indigenous population, the iranians that live in that west coast, an area of elam uh, it's all the nations we know, nations where they're not dispersed. It's a worldwide dispersion. It sounds like humanitarian crisis and he says that iran will be dismayed before their enemies. Meaning when this happens, this disaster happens, iran has to have a menu of enemies, and they do. They've got Israel, of course. The United States is concerned, some of the Arab countries, and the international community is concerned about Iran's nuclear program, and he goes on and talks about how to pursue them, consume them with a sword, which tend to suggest a military confrontation. So I mean, I'm looking at this prophecy time because we know Iran's connected so well. Now it's not just Iran. It's Hezbollah, it's Assad regime in Syria, it's the Houthis, the Shiites, the militias in Iraq, it's the Houthis in Yemen, the Hamas. A lot of the Palestinians are being sponsored by Iran as well in the West Bank.

Bill Salus:

This is where I think we're headed and I think that's going to cause Israel to get into that war mode where they have to destroy a city overnight, and that would be Damascus. When they do that, I think the other countries are going to go whoa? One Israel's hurt because Isaiah 17, 4-6, we can get them now. Two, we don't want to be the next victim of a nuclear destruction like Damascus. Just was.

Bill Salus:

What about Beirut? What about Amman, jordan? What about Cairo, egypt, what about Mecca? Well, amman should be concerned because in Jeremiah, chapter 49, verses 2, it says there's an alarm of war in Rabbah of the Ammonites, and it shall be a desolate mound. So another city real close to Damascus, amman, jordan, is going to be reduced to a desolate mound caused by the children of Israel that will take possession of their inheritance. So I'm thinking this is where we're going to start seeing it, and that's why you read that off on Mondo's DVD and the Future War Prophecies. I list these prophecies in the sequential events that I think they're going to happen, and they're going to happen before the Tribulation, because the Israeli Defense Forces is not fighting in the Tribulation period.

Tom Hughes:

So it's just more and more fascinating with each thing that you're saying, with Israel also right now. Another thing that's developing is, since the world's sentiment is against them, israel's saying look, we're going to deal with Hamas and then we're going to deal with Hezbollah. And you know the world pressure would say you can't go against Iran, do this. You can't go against Damascus and do this. Israel is at this point where we don't really care what you say. We have to take care of ourselves for our own survival and we are going to do it. For decades they've been putting up with the United States saying don't do this, don't do that, don't do this, don't do that. And it's like Israel has been pushed to this point where we can't sit here like this anymore, we can't live like this anymore. So everything is like a boiling point that's getting ready. This thing's just getting ready to go Now with the law of prophecy.

Tom Hughes:

So the people get scattered. You're very close with Hormuz Shariat. I had him on recently. You introduced me to Hormuz, wonderful man. So he has his ministry in Iran. Many people are coming to faith in Christ in Iran. So that is happening. But with that Iran we still know there's a bad future for Iran. So let's say, elam gets taken out right and the people get scattered. They're scattered all over the world, but we also know they're eventually going to be brought back. And eventually I mean a couple of very interesting developments in the future. The Ezekiel 38 war is still going to happen. I don't know when, but I believe all these things have to happen. First also Bill, and then also God says I will set my throne in Elam. What's that mean? I mean that's fascinating.

Bill Salus:

And that is the thing that's got many, many Iranian Christians excited about Bible prophecy and about God converting from Islam. Matter of fact, that verse Jeremiah 49, verse 38, says I will set my throne in Elam or my sovereignty, in some translations and destroy from there the kings and the princes, or the kings and the officials. We read that verse that's got the Iranians excited. Matter of fact, hormoz Sharia's mission statement is transforming Iran into a Christian nation in this generation and he's Joe Rosenberg, calls him the Billy Graham of Iran. But on the show about four times I talk about these prophecies are seen by millions of Iranians on satellite TV. He translates them in the Farsi. They're very familiar with these, a lot of these Iranian Christians, with this Jeremiah chapter 49 prophecy of Elam. And it goes on to say in verse 49 of Jeremiah chapter no, excuse me, jeremiah 49, 39, that I will restore the captives of Elam or restore their fortunes in the latter days, and it's the same Hebrew word as in Ezekiel 38 in the latter days. So what's going to happen is those people who Christians in Iran right now will get raptured, but those who get dispersed from the, the long prophecy that are not saved, who've met. It is to survive, which will be very difficult to do. Through the tribulation They'll become sheep, gentiles. They'll become a remnant of Iranians as God restores their fortunes to that area. He will also restore the fortunes of Jordanians, we're told in Jeremiah chapter 49, verses six, and Jeremiah 48. It's in there about Moab and central Jordan. He'll have a remnant of Assyrians and Egyptians in Isaiah, chapter 19. We'll have a Jewish remnant in Zechariah 13, verse 9. So we're going to see people who survived the tribulation, who will be remnants going into the Messianic kingdom.

Bill Salus:

So, but that is the exciting news, for now, what is the set, my throne in Elam? Well, the Hebrew word is Kisei K-I-S-E. It's the same Hebrew word used in Jeremiah, chapter three. Jerusalem will be where my throne is in the Messianic Kingdom. It's another one in Isaiah. It says heaven is my throne, kisei, there is my footstool. So what does it mean, tom? I throw the question back to you. I write about it in my Nuclear Showdown book in Iran, revealing the ancient prophecy of Elam. It could be. Actually, a throne is set there. I mean it could be a second palace for Christ in the Messiah and Kingdom.

Tom Hughes:

It appears that way. You know, hormuz talked a little bit about that too when I had him on last month. It appears that way. How else God says I will set my throne in Elam. So we know Jerusalem. But you see that To me it's just also fascinating. All right, bill, we've been going 45 minutes so far. I still haven't gotten to almost everything on the books and DVDs. But I gotta ask you this I'm gonna ask you about the prophecies of Zechariah, chapter 12, where all the world is gathered against Israel, because there's misunderstandings and misinterpretations on the timing of that. I want to walk through that, but first of all because people need to know that. But first of all, I want to ask you about two events that have transpired over the last week, also transpired over the last week also. One of them is, uh, norway, ireland, spain and I think some other nations have now said we're gonna, we recognize palestine, the state of palestine. Did you see that this week?

Bill Salus:

yeah, I did. It continues to be everything working toward iran and hamas's favor and the palestinians. That is not biblically endorsed.

Tom Hughes:

No, definitely not.

Bill Salus:

No, and you know they became. I think it was in 2012,. Mahmoud Abbas applied to the United Nations for non-member observable status and he was approved. It's like the Vatican and that sort of thing. They've got non-member approval. Fortunately, the Biden administration, as liberal as they are, has come out and said that we believe the only way you can really negotiate a two-state solution is by direct negotiations of Palestinian state between the Israelis and the Palestinians. So they got that right. But I mean, I'm telling you the whole thing that they want to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu. The ICC and you know go on and putting him on the equivalent of the Hamas leaders, which is ridiculous. I mean, iran has another proxy and it's called the international community.

Tom Hughes:

Yes, and the media and the western media. They're even worse media than Chinese media. And so also with that, you mentioned Netanyahu, the ICC. We also have this. Last week it's been disclosed that the Biden administration had been in talks with Ricey, who was taken out in the helicopter crash, about basically overthrowing the government in Israel, Netanyahu. So, if they can't arrest him with ICC, the Biden administration. So, Bill, when I look at the Biden administration, I see they say this, but here's what's really going on Publicly oh, we love Israel. Well, let's stick it to you. So I think the United States has entered into this place of cursing Israel and I'm very concerned. God takes out Raisi. Biden administration is involved in this. I look at this. Where's this going for America? It's not looking good for America with all these things that I see.

Bill Salus:

Well, and you didn't mention the fact that Biden was going to withhold munitions.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, that was old news, that was two weeks ago.

Bill Salus:

Yeah, it's old news. Now right.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, I mean, yeah, withhold the ammunition. I mean unbelievable. And yet he still says well, we love Israel. Well, no, you don't. You're willing to give billions to Iran. Just unbelievable. I mean you really gotta look at this. What's gonna happen to America?

Bill Salus:

Yeah, well, israel's? I don't think they're buying it. Biden says our relationship is ironclad with Israel. We got your back. Obviously, israel's walking a tiptoe dance, trying to still maintain the best kind of relationship they can with america and the western world, but they're finding themselves now where they can't. They get into a point where they just can't appease people because they got to take care of hamas. They got to deal with them. Their stated intention is to eliminate the, give the hostages back, eliminate Hamas and prevent the potential for another massacre from that Gaza area ever in the future.

Tom Hughes:

And you saw the hostages that were the bodies that were found in the UN building, the UNRU building. I mean the UN is so complicit in this building, the UN building. I mean the UN is so complicit in this. So when I was in Tel Aviv, I was having breakfast in one of the hotels and there's a gentleman across the table. We started a conversation about what's going on in Gaza and he's an Israeli Jew, big supporter of Biden, and he tells me I said well, what's going to?

Tom Hughes:

We were in total disagreement on everything and then I said what's going to happen the day after he goes? I know the UN has to take control of Gaza. I said, seriously, the UN control Gaza. Israel's got to give power over to you, absolutely. And then that was the end of our conversation. So I mean you look at this, this is just nuts. But and he's not speaking for every Jew, obviously, and I think the majority of Israel knows that would be a disaster to do something like that. But you look and go, man, what an interesting dynamic of things that are going on right now.

Bill Salus:

Well, that has got a failed precedent in 1948. They decided to call Jerusalem an international zone. They were going to give the Palestinians a state, with the partition plan, and the Israelis. But Jerusalem, the holy city for the Jewish people, was going to be an international zone. But that didn't last very long because in 1967, of course, israel took it over in the Six-Day War. So anything they're going to try to do with the Gaza and this won't happen in my estimation so anything they're going to try to do with the Gaza and this won't happen in my estimation I think what's going to happen in Israel although they're tiptoeing around the Rafah attack at this point, I think they're going to get drawn into a much larger scenario where they really just don't care. It's a prison rule, the gloves come off and they've got to start pulling out nuclear weapons. Yeah.

Tom Hughes:

I agree. Everything Pulling on nuclear weapons, yeah, I agree, everything is going that way. The pressure against Israel, the Western world saying you can't do anything, no, it's just going to grow. Israel is going to deal with this, I'm convinced, especially after going over this with these scriptures again with you in this program. And thank you so much for what.

Bill Salus:

Well, do we still have time to talk? We do.

Tom Hughes:

No, I'm going to ask you about Zechariah 12 next, but I just wanted to thank you for your books and DVDs and everything that you put together, because they're extremely helpful.

Bill Salus:

Thank you. The Israeli Defense Forces Exist in Fulfillment of Bible Prophecies. Ezekiel 3710 tells us they will become an exceedingly great army. Inside of the Future War Prophecies book that you have and the DVD you talked about with Mondo, we go through all the prophecies that show the Israeli Defense Forces fighting off their Arab enemies, and one of the major ones that comes into mind you're talking about is in Zechariah, chapter 12. So if you want to go there, we can talk about that.

Tom Hughes:

I do. Let's go to Zechariah, chapter 12. This is great. Let's go to Zechariah, chapter 12. This is great. We've been on almost an hour, but I mean we just scratched the surface. I have to have you back on as soon as possible, maybe before the Damascus. Isaiah 17, battle man. All right, zechariah, chapter 12.

Bill Salus:

Let's go there. Okay, I'll dive right in.

Tom Hughes:

Yeah, just dive right in. Yeah, just dive right in. By the way, everybody, this is the prophecy, where it begins, where the world, it says, is gathering against Israel. Israel, Jerusalem's become a burdensome stone, and it's that passage, and so Bill's going to work through it in context to give some clarity, because there are some misinterpretations on it.

Bill Salus:

How much time do we have?

Tom Hughes:

You know what? Can you do it in 10 minutes. It'll take us a little over an hour.

Bill Salus:

Okay, I can try.

Tom Hughes:

I tell you what do what you can in 10 minutes, and then I'll have you back on and we'll cover other things. Like I said, we just scratched the surface of things, but do what you can in 10 minutes.

Bill Salus:

I think it's important to talk about Zechariah 12 and look at it and compare it to what has been commonly taught as being part of the Armageddon campaign. I don't think it is and I have various reasons for saying that. And I think it's important that, if it's not, we distinguish that, because it looks like it could be something about to happen in the very near future, dealing with the final conclusion of the Arab-Israeli conflict, probably in the climactic concluding of Psalm 83. But it says in Zechariah 12, verse 2, behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling or dizziness, or drunkenness, in different translations, unto all the people round about when they shall be in the siege against both Judah and against Jerusalem. Now, every translation, new King James says surrounding peoples, the ASV says people's round about, net, the surrounding nations, niv, the surrounding peoples, and LT, the nearby nations, ncv, the nations round her. The Hebrew word is sabiv. It's on every side place, roundabout, roundabout, in the circuit circle, a neighbor. The first uses of the word early usages in Genesis, chapter 3, where it talks clearly about the borders that were roundabout.

Bill Salus:

So my point is that verse is telling us that there's going to be a siege laid upon Judah and Jerusalem by the Arab enemies around Israel that have harbored hatred of Israel since time immemorial. They happen to be in a confederacy in Psalm 83. They want to wipe the nation of Israel off, destroy the nation, that the name of Israel can be remembered no more. Now a lot of people say, well, that is going to be part of Armageddon, because in Zechariah, chapter 14, there's another siege that happens where the nations are gathered together, and we'll get to that in just a moment. But I'm going to show you why that's not the case. But we have to go through Zechariah 12, verses 2, through verse up to verse 6.

Bill Salus:

Now I'm going to jump to verse 6 first, because it tells us that this is an unsuccessful siege. The Arabs are going to mount against Israel. And what it says there? It says in verse six what happens as a result of the siege. When they do it, when they try to do it, they become like drunks and intoxicated in dizziness. And here's their outcome.

Bill Salus:

It says in that day when they seize against jews in jerusalem I'll make the governors or the captains of judah read that as the idf there'll be like a fire pan in the woodpile and like a fiery torch in the sheaves, and they shall devour all the surrounding peoples again, not the nations at large on the right hand and on the left, but Jerusalem shall be inhabited again. Oh, jerusalem. So now, imagine this. Now here comes. Let's compare this to Armageddon. These are the surrounding peoples. They're going to come against you in Jerusalem. They're going to come against you in Jerusalem. They're going to be defeated by the Israeli defense forces, which, if you're going to say that that's all the nations of the world that are laid in siege against you in Jerusalem, which is not what it says that means the Israeli defense forces are going to destroy China, devour them on the right hand, and the left, russia, the US you go on the list. In other words, they're not the ones laying siege at this point. They're not the ones the Israeli defense forces are going to fight off. That's just one issue.

Bill Salus:

But it goes on talking about how God is going to divinely intervene when this happens through miracles. It says here in Zechariah 12, verses 4, in that day the Lord says I will strike every horse with confusion. So God's going to intervene and work in concert with the IDF. Remember the IDF in Isaiah 17 is probably taking a hit. So this is Israel in general.

Bill Salus:

So Israel and this Zechariah 12 prophecy, is vulnerable to a siege against Judah and Jerusalem by the surrounding peoples. It says in that day I will strike every horse with confusion. I remember when Zechariah wrote they didn't have, you know, tanks and fighter jets. So his the medium of war, he was referring to his horses. I will strike them with confusion, every rider on that horse with madness. I will open my eyes on the house of Judah and I will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness. So we have God's going to need to step in. Israeli defense forces are going to win. We're in. Israeli defense forces are going to win. They're going to devour them on the right hand and the left, but God's going to help level the playing field. He's going to cause malfunctions, causes the horses to hit them with confusion. He's going to cause panic because the riders are going to be hit with madness. Now there's biblical precedence for all these types of supernatural interventions. Time won't permit me to get into it, but I get into it in the future war prophecies book. And then he's going to cause the hit those horses against blindness, meaning the guidance radar, guidance systems and things like that are going to not work.

Bill Salus:

So by the time Israel sees this happen and their God intervening on their behalf, leveling the playing field, it says in Zechariah 12, verses five, that they will be emboldened to fight. I'm paraphrasing this battle, and in this battle they do win. They're successful. They devour the surrounding peoples on the right hand and the left. They have people on the right hand and the left, the enemies, yes, they do. On the right hand, of course, they got Jordan and Syria. Jordan is going to be involved in war prophecies as well. They're also in Psalm 83. You got Lebanon, with Hezbollah up there. You got Hamas to the left, down in the Gaza. You got Egypt, saudi Arabia, these people who came against Israel in 1948 and against some of them in 1967, I think they're going to make a final climactic attempt, because Zechariah 12.2 is not found fulfilling yet, zechariah 12.6 is not found fulfilling yet and they're going to be defeated handily by the Israeli defense forces in a curse for curse in kind. Genesis 12.3 format.

Bill Salus:

Now Zechariah chapter 12, verses 14, it's a different siege than the one we just talked about in Zechariah chapter 12. It says behold. In Zechariah chapter 14, verses 2, 1 through 3, it says behold, the day of the Lord is coming. So we know the day of the Lord is coming. Now we're stretching out toward the tribulation period and your spoil will be divided in your midst, for I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. So here we go, jerusalem again. There's going to be a siege. The city shall be taken. It's a successful siege. The house is rifled and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. So in other words, here comes a successful siege, the Lord's gathering all the nations. So we have a successful siege in Zechariah chapter 12, zechariah chapter 14. We have a successful siege in Zechariah chapter 12, zechariah chapter 14. We had an unsuccessful siege, a difference, a different battle by the surrounding peoples, not all the nations, in Zechariah chapter 12, verses 2. Now the difference is as I tabulate. Now, zechariah 12 talks about an unsuccessful siege. Zechariah 14 is a successful siege. Only the surrounding nations are involved in Zechariah 12, verse 2. All the surrounding nations are involved in Zechariah 12, verse 2. All the nations of the world are involved in Zechariah chapter 14.

Bill Salus:

Zechariah chapter 12 is a free tribulation prophecy. Because the Israeli defense forces win that war, they devour them like sheaves and they're not fighting in the tribulation. Because in the first half of the tribulation the Israeli defense forces are complacent, they feel they're at peace because of the false covenant of Daniel 9, 27, and Isaiah, chapter 28, verse 15. In the second half of the tribulation they're fleeing for their lives, as instructed in Matthew 24, verse 15. When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of Daniel, the prophet and the holy place flee. There'll be a lot of Jews fleeing because the Antichrist is going to try to commit genocide of the Jews. In Zechariah, chapter 13, verse 8, says two-thirds of the Jews be cut off. So that's a pre-tribulation prophecy.

Bill Salus:

Zechariah, chapter 12, verses 14, is a tribulation prophecy and that probably happens in the mid-part of the tribulation when they gather against Jerusalem, and that's when the Antichrist would then go into the temple, abominate it, do the desecration, et cetera. And then it says they're gathering themselves the surrounding peoples in Zechariah chapter 12, but God is gathering the world armies in Zechariah chapter 14. There's some more arguments I would have to go through. Zechariah, chapter 12, verses 3, which talks about the nations of Jerusalem become a burdensome stone to all the nations when they attempt to put their hand. I'm paraphrasing when they attempt to divide Jerusalem, it says it'll become a burdensome stone.

Bill Salus:

Now they've been trying to divide Jerusalem ever since Jerusalem became an international zone in 1948. In 1949, after the Arab-Israeli war, there was an armistice agreement of a green line and they divided Jerusalem. And that was not meant to be permanent demarcations, but it was divided. That was the first time in all of history Jerusalem was ever divided east to the west. But that didn't last because in 1967, the Six-Day War, israel took it all over. But meanwhile the international community is always meddling and Jerusalem becomes a burdensome stone to them because they try to meddle and divide Jerusalem. We even see our presidents. That's what the Palestinians want. They want East Jerusalem to be the capital of the Palestinian state. Listen, I can't talk anymore. I'm talking too fast, tom. But these are some of the reasons why.

Tom Hughes:

That's all right. What? Well, listen, I can't talk anymore. I'm talking too fast, tom. But these are some of the reasons why that's all right.

Tom Hughes:

What I find interesting is not just that they want to the East Jerusalem. They want, they just don't want any Jews anywhere at all, and I think that's lost on the conversation too, to people. You know it's not just about dividing Israel, it's about eliminating the people of Israel from the planet. And but, bill, this has been just an outstanding program with you today. Thank you so much. I want to have you back on. We will. We'll work it out as soon as possible. I'll get you back on here.

Tom Hughes:

But in all of this, bill, I couldn't help but think the international community is always involved, always involved, always involved. Israel has often, throughout their history, looked to their neighbors for help and guess what? It isn't going to happen. Ezekiel, chapter 39,. They're going to know it's the Lord who helped them. The whole world's going to know God helped them when Iran attacked them last month. Unless God is moving Israel to the place where they will cry out blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, and Jesus is going to be coming out of the sky on his white horse and we're going to be coming with him. This world's going down everybody, but we are going up, so keep that in mind. The rapture is going to happen before the tribulation period, but we could see some exciting things take place between now and then, because we don't know exactly when some of these events will take place that Bill did talk about in our program. And don't forget, we have all these books the Psalm 83 book it is here. The future war prophecies here. Also, you can see the nuclear showdown with Iran. And we also have the two bundle for the DVD series Outstanding.

Tom Hughes:

We were unable to cover all of the. There's so much there, we just barely scratched the surface on any of them. But check them out in the store You'll. You will be blessed, you'll be well-educated, like Bill does. He tackles the objections too, not afraid there's objectors out there.

Tom Hughes:

Listen, I want to pray for you guys, especially if you're in Texas, in the Midwest, with the weather situation before we check out. So let's pray. Lord, we thank you that you are on the throne and no matter what is going on all around us, we have your word. I thank you for Bill guiding us through so much and so much more. I'm looking forward to next time.

Tom Hughes:

But, lord, I thank you for Bill's wisdom in the word, being able to keep us on the right path, be able to understand why things are taking place and what's going on. But also, lord, we know you are sovereign over the weather and we know, god, that you are our protector and this world is not our home. Our citizenship is in heaven and right now we lift up those in Texas and the Midwest who are battling with some very difficult weather. May you be glorified. Regardless of its weather manipulation or not, lord, you are the one who is on the throne. May you be glorified. Strengthen your people in these days that we will continue to be light and be your protection. Send your protection upon them too. We pray In Jesus' name. Amen. Send your protection upon them too.

Bill Salus:

We pray In Jesus' name, amen Amen amen.

Tom Hughes:

Thank you everybody for joining us. Thank you, bill. It was just wonderful having you back on. I can't wait to have you on in a few more weeks. We'll get you back, set it all up. It's going to be great. God bless you everybody. Thank you.